14 Kids Snacks That Prove Kids Aren’t Afraid to Eat Healthy

kids snacks

Did you know that a healthier diet is associated with fewer emotional problems in kids? Make nutritious meals and snacks at home.

Are you looking for tips on kids snacks? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over healthy snack options like as japanese snack subscription boxes.

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.

1. Trail Mix

Nuts have a ton of antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. Trail mix is an excellent option for busy families.

Try making your own at home instead of buying a store brand. Most of the time, the bag’s filled with sugary candies. Mix dried fruit, nuts, and granola. Place them in individual baggies, so you have a few prepared ahead of time.

2. Sliced Pears and Ricotta Cheese

Pears have lots of good plant compounds, and they are also high in fiber. Slice your pears up and spread ricotta cheese over each slice. This is a unique way to add calcium and protein to your kid’s snack.

3. Put Together a Bento Box

Have fun with this box. You can place fruits, nuts, and chopped vegetables in the different sections.

Involve your child when you put together their box. They will have fun choosing what items to go in what compartment.

4. Have a Selection of Fresh Fruit

Kids like sweeter treats, so offer your child an array of fruit. They can get the nutrition and the sweetness they crave.

You can mix blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries with yogurt for a filling snack.

Pick up different fruits, depending on the season. This way, you can introduce your child to a variety of fruits.

5. Sweet Potato Chips

Does your kid like chips? Consider baking apples or sweet potatoes in the oven. These snacks are full of vitamins. You and your child can still enjoy the crunch factor without the added salt and fat.

Make a batch and place them in baggies. This way, you can grab them and put them in their lunch boxes. It’s an easy after school snack.

6. Make Nutritious Dips

Instead of chip dip, opt for fresh guacamole, salsa, or hummus. These dips will keep your children fuller.

You can sneak in a ton of delicious vegetables when you have a yummy accompanying dip. Add sliced cucumbers, carrots, and celery.

7. Make Smoothies

If you have a picky eater add vegetables and fruits to smoothies.
You can throw in dark greens like spinach or kale.

For something sweet, you could make a peanut butter banana smoothie. Also, try the popular strawberry-banana blend.

8. Homemade Granola Bars

Consider packing your kid’s lunches with homemade protein and granola bars.
Don’t buy the ones in store because they are often filled with processed ingredients. Make your own at home with peanut butter and granola.

9. Celery with Raisins and Peanut Butter

This is a fun way to encourage your child to eat vegetables. Slice up one stalk of celery into four pieces. Spread peanut butter on the inside of the celery.

Drop a few raisins on top of each section. Your child will get a great combination of protein, fat, and carbs with this snack. Aim to pick up peanut butter that doesn’t have extra sugar.

Pack up raisins in individual containers as well. Learn more about why raisins are such great snacks for school.

10. Homemade Popsicles

Make popsicles from yogurt and fresh fruit. Pick up some unique shaped molds. You can ask your child to help prepare the popsicles.

For a different treat, try making chocolate avocado popsicles. Use up leftover fruit with this snack. These snacks are easy to grab from the freezer on a hot day.

11. Popcorn and Different Seasonings

If your kids are having a movie night with friends, create a popcorn station. You can make your popcorn on the stove or in a popcorn maker.

Next, place a bunch of toppings in colorful bowls. You can add dried cranberries, parmesan cheese, vinegar, or dried seasonings.

12. Homemade Oatmeal

Even though oatmeal is a breakfast meal, it can also work as an afternoon snack. There is a lot of soluble fiber in oats. This increases the good bacteria in our digestive tracts.

Don’t pick up the flavored packages at the grocery store. They have a lot of sugar. Instead, make your oatmeal at home using rolled oats.

You can throw in some diced apples and a dash of cinnamon. To add calcium and protein, make your oatmeal with milk.

13. Veggie Pita

If you can make vegetables fun for kids, they will be more open to trying new foods. Get a whole-wheat pita and spread hummus in the pocket. You can add sliced bell peppers, lettuce, cucumber, and carrots.

Veggies have a ton of minerals and essential vitamins. This is an excellent way to up their vegetable count for the day.

14. Boiled Eggs

For a quick protein-filled treat, keep a few boiled eggs in your fridge. They are nutritious and a great snack for kids. Hardboiled eggs have minerals and vitamins like vitamin B12, selenium, and riboflavin.

There are two carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and lutein, that are helpful for eye health. They are also a top source for choline, a vitamin essential for brain development.

Now You Have Some Ideas for Healthy Kids Snacks

We hope you found this guide on healthy treats helpful. Offer these kids snacks at home and send them to school with your child.

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