With These 7 Tips, Brands Can Master The In-Store Experience

Purchase Decision

Last Updated on April 12, 2024

Online shopping may be on the rise, but beauty customers still love visiting the physical stores. They are looking for more than just what’s available on a website. They want an experience!

Even today, beauty sales made in shopping centres globally are much more than the sales made online. And although it may be the fall of the mall, it’s not of the shopper; they are shooting stars subtly creating new trends.

Here’s what shopping centres in Adelaide must know to increase retail traffic and optimise selling strategies for Gen Z’ers, their new customers.

Shopper Is The God, Follow Them

Gone are the times when the majority of shopping decisions were made on the spot.

Today, people pre-game before they shop. They do extensive research even before setting foot inside the store.

They search the product, read the ingredients, look at the reviews, cruise youtube for reliable endorsements, and then think about buying the product. The shopping pre-game has evolved “the merchandiser’s first moment of truth” into nothing but a quick buy. As such, customers make faster decisions when they are in store, and thus their visit to the mall has gradually become a “swift, check the boxes, get it off the list trip”.

That said, various brands in Adelaide shopping malls must understand shoppers’ behaviour to enhance their in-store experience.

Understand The Role Physical Stores Play In The Shopper’s Life

While social media and other online platforms have definitely helped retailers gain a lot of customers, there are still many elements that only stores can provide.

Consumers can easily access the internet and learn everything, but how do they know what’s best for them? The elevated experience that stores provide is something the internet hasn’t decoded yet.

Having said that, brands must focus on personalising their services for their clients. For instance, beauty brands can install more beauty counters, offer consultations, distribute sample products, provide a dedicated beauty tour, and enhance their product presentation. All these things will surely attract the attention of the customers and make them appreciate the in-store experience

In-Store Experience Should Be Designed For Everyone

Drop all the assumptions you have about your customers and understand the new customer.

Today’s customer can be many different customers in one. The same customer who buys a bag from the flea market may save up for a Hermès perfume, just like the one who pairs a Chanel jacket with a t-shirt from H&M. They shop high, and they shop low.

In a nutshell, today’s customer cross-pollinates. They switch within categories for various products. That said, brands must offer both mass and high-end under the same roof.

Recognise Who The Customer Is At The Moment

Every person that walks in your store has a different vibe and is on a different trip. Obviously, you can’t straightforwardly go and ask the customer, what kind of a trip are you on, today? What brands must do is understand who the shopper is at the moment. But this examination should be quick; usually, there isn’t much time before the shopper exits the store.

Service is the biggest contest brands participate in — but only the ones who know how much to give and when to give succeed.

Every Shopper Multi-Shops, No Matter How Brand Loyal They Are

With each and every brand trying their best to acquire a loyal fan base, it has become difficult for top brands to retain their status and customers. Results? Consumers expectations are rising, and to meet them, they are multi shopping.

The fast adaptation of smartphones has made everything transparent. It has given customers the opportunity to compare prices, reviews while shopping. Conversely, the weak spot of the physical store continues to be the fact that to check out x different brands, the customer has to visit x stores and tell x many advisors what they are looking for. Nobody has the time or effort to shop like that.

Brands must, therefore, try to offer a hassle-free shopping experience to customers by learning their preferences. For instance, a customer who loves organic products is likely to shop from the section dedicated to natural, organic products.

Don’t Forget To Tell Your Story

Storytelling is everything. Depending on the way it’s told, the stories engage customers and urge them to move forward in the sales funnel.

That said, brands must focus on narrating stories regarding their product production, assortment, brand creation, first customer, growing fan base, etc.. Whether big or small, mass and premium, brands must share their stories in a way that reaches the heart of the customers.

Storytelling is about attracting a customer’s attention, and it mostly works. The only thing to be kept in mind is, to not overdo.

If brands maintain a balance, they can easily get inside the customer’s mind, narrate a story close to them, remind them what they need — or at least plant a seed. That’s where it all starts – the buying and selling process.

Take Inspiration From The Online World

Not only do online campaigns and social media drive more people to the store, but also help them shop once they are there. The easy availability of the internet and ever-evolving digital world has made everything convenient for LITERALLY everyone. That said, physical stores can take cues from digital and use them to their advantage.

The digital world has all the information — how customers behave, what are their favourites, what sells the most, etc. It also offers a platform for brands, whether existing or new, to build credibility and a following.

In short, taking inspiration from digital is a step taken in the right direction, acknowledging the needs and meeting the expectations of the customer.