Winter Lawn Care Tips to Embrace This Season

Embrace This Season

During the warmer months, you spend sunny afternoons mowing your lawn, keeping pests at bay, and ensuring that your grass is as green as possible.

But many don’t realize that winter lawn care is equally as important as summer lawn maintenance.

In this post, we’ll fill you in on how to tackle preparing grass for winter so that, come next spring, your garden and yard will look more beautiful than ever.

If you don’t have the time, energy, skills or desire to take care of your lawn but still want lush green grass, consider hiring a professional lawn care service like TruGreen.

Right Before the Season Changes

Successful winter lawn care takes place long before winter actually sets in.

A month the frost comes in, make sure to use progressively longer mower blades. This keeps grass shorter than ever, which discourages pests and even rodents from calling it home.

A week or so before the winter sets in, aerate your lawn and put down some fertilizer.

While this might seem counterintuitive, the nutrients from the fertilizer will be able to keep your lawn healthy for several months.

Finally, when preparing a lawn for winter, make sure that you mow the lawn diagonally as opposed to straight across. While not essential, doing this will help you to avoid “stripes” on your lawn in the spring.

Effective Lawn Care During Winter

Now, let’s talk about winter lawn care tips and maintenance while the colder months are in full swing.

Don’t let any toys, patio furniture, or heavy decor sit on your lawn. If possible, sweep your lawn at least once a week or so. Always get rid of fallen branches immediately to prevent their weight from killing or damaging your grass.

One of the main threats to your lawn’s health during the winter is the salt that you use to keep sidewalks and driveways clear of ice.

While salt may make your driveway easier to pull in and out of, it can completely destroy your lawn.

You might be wondering if you need to know what kind of grass and soil you have before taking care of your lawn.

If you live in an area where you can’t give up salting driveways and sidewalks, try to leave an inch between your yard and the concrete. If you can, try to find a salt that’s made from calcium chloride as opposed to sodium chloride.

Get Ready for Spring

If you closely follow these winter lawn care tips, then you can look forward to a lovely spring garden with lush, nutrient-rich grass.

However, especially if you’ve had a harsh winter, we do suggest that you connect with a professional lawn care company at the start of spring.

These experts can help to replace any brown spots and get rid of pests and animals that have used your home as a shelter during the winter months.

Plus, they can even ensure your lawn is getting the proper water levels.

Upgrade This Year’s Winter Lawn Care with These Tips

We hope this post has taught you that winter lawn care doesn’t have to be a chore or prohibitively expensive to be effective.

The trick is to start as early as you can, and to avoid placing heavy objects and salt on your lawn.

Looking for more ways to upgrade your front lawn and garden? Want to learn about the easiest plants to grow in spring? (

Keep reading our blog for advice on all that and much more.