How To Find Your Own Jewelery Style?

How To Find Your Own Jewelery Style?

Not many people realize how important jewellery is to your whole look. The right jewellery can uplift and elevate your outfit, but if you choose the wrong kind, you may look cheap or uncoordinated.

What’s great about jewellery is that it is not just about putting on an accessory. It can actually be an extension of your personal style. It can be a way to make a good impression on others or highlight your best features. Here are some tips on how you can find your own jewellery style.

  1. Consider your usual routine and activities – Some people only wear their jewellery on special occasions such as a date or a party. But there are those who like putting it every day. If you are this type of person and you want to have a style of your own, you need to take a look at what you do most often. You will realize how your regular activities influence your choice of jewellery. For example, you might be in a profession that would require you to not have any jewellery that would be loud. A nurse or someone in the medical profession would not want to wear a lot of bracelets as it can be distracting. You might be in a profession where you will be operating machinery and you cannot wear long necklaces that may get stuck in the machine. Once you realize what you would most likely wear, you can look for variants of the jewellery.
  2. Pick out your favourites from the ones you currently own – Take a look at what you have right now and see which ones are really special to you. Don’t think about the price or even the sentiment behind it. Just pick the ones that you gravitate toward to the most. You might see a pattern with your choice. You can then use this that as a basis for the next time you will buy jewellery. You can check out Elizabeth Gage jewellery London for some great choices. They have great collections ranging from the classics to more modern pieces.
  3. Make sure they fit with the clothes in your closet – You may also want to check your closet as it’s your clothes that the jewellery should complement. Although fashion right now can be flexible, and while there is nothing wrong with wearing some classic pearl earrings to a modern outfit, there’s still something to be said for pieces that work well together. Try out your favourite outfits so you can look for the jewellery that would fit it.
  4. Keep mixing and matching – What’s great about our own personal style is that we don’t need to stick to one. As the days go by, we may want to have a change. The great thing is that an outfit can totally change if you just wear different jewellery. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your looks. You don’t need to stick to one style your whole life.



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