Fun Ways to Decorate Your Kid’s Bedroom

kids room decor


If you want to ensure that your child develops a healthy sense of imagination, it’s a good idea to surround them with creativity. And in many cases, this means creating an environment that helps to encourage curiosity and growth. The design of their bedroom can play a huge part in doing this. Here are a few fun ways to decorate your kid’s bedroom.

1. Custom Photo Pillows
One of the most creative ways to decorate a child’s room is with photo pillows. Sure, you could purchase them off the shelf, but custom pillows allow you to design the room according to your child’s interests. What are their favorite movies? What are their favorite colors? These are questions that you can consider when creating pillow designs.

2. Wall Murals
Would you like to add dramatic pops of color to your child’s bedroom? Well, there’s no better way to do this than with a wall mural. You may consider hiring a professional to paint an action-packed scene. Or, you may decide to have the child help you paint flowers along the wall. The possibilities are endless.

3. Daybed
Would you like your child’s room to be a space for both sleeping and play? Well, you can conserve a little space by adding a daybed. Daybeds take up the same amount of room as a couch and are very functional. The best part is, you can add bedding that reflects the child’s personality as well as the theme of the room.

4. Washi Tape Line bookshelves
While plain white shelves can be a great way to display your child’s book collection, you can always add splashes of color by lining them with washi tape. Washi tape is much like painter’s tape in that it’s easy to remove and doesn’t leave behind residue. Also, it comes in a variety of cool colors and design patterns.

5. Wall Art
No matter what age your child is, wall art can be a great addition. You may hang posters from their favorite movie or tv show. Considering framing the child’s own artwork. You may also include a few of their favorite family photos.

6. Special Lighting
Lighting can play a huge role in creating a fun space for your kids. Consider adding lamps that feature sculptures of their favorite animals. Perhaps you can purchase a flush mount that features designs of their favorite sports. Creative night lights can also be a great way to illuminate their rooms at bedtime.

7. Potted Plants
Does your child enjoy spending time outside? Well, why not have them create a potted plant for their room? Instead of placing the plant into a standard pot, you can search for a colorful or container. If your child is small, look for containers that feature cartoon characters.

8. Vibrant Paint
Sure, wall murals and art can be a great way to add color to the room. However, if you would like to do something more simple, you could always paint the room with one vibrant color. Just make sure that it is one the child enjoys and one that inspires positive feelings.

9. Designated Work Area
If you have school-age children, then you can create a space in which they can do their homework or even work on special art projects. Search for colorful desks. Add special storage boxes so that they remain organized. If the desk it white, add a colorful chair so that the area has personality.

10. Custom Marquees
Another great way to add a personal touch is with custom marquee signs. The sign may spell out the child’s name. Perhaps it is a simple phrase such as “play”, “laugh”, or “love.” Marquees can really brighten up the room and give it character.

Designing your child’s room can be extremely fun and exciting. You get the chance to see the world through their eyes and create an environment that encourages them to wonder and learn. All it takes is a little imagination and research to bring your ideas to life.



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