4 Reasons Art Wall Galleries Are Making A Statement In 2019

4 Reasons Art Wall Galleries Are Making A Statement In 2019

Last Updated on March 5, 2023

There is truly something pleasant about the feeling from a beautiful, artful wall gallery hanging in any room. There are really some unfortunately done ones, but when done well, the results are always magnificent.

     1. Uniqueness

Art wall galleries allow for more than just a touch of creativity. You can express yourself through the art you hang on your wall- from your fun family photos to more melancholic, dark artwork.

     2. Cost-effective

You can spend a lot of money with your wall art if you don’t have an eye for good bargains or are not especially resourceful. But, there are always ways to reduce costs and still end up with beautiful finished work. You can find great frames at second-hand shops or flea markets, and if you do not find one that fits your exact likes; painting over a frame is always a solution.

     3. Timeless Style

Whatever style you choose to create your wall art gallery with, it will lend some style and personality to your wall. From old, vintage art to modern photos, everything is welcome on your wall art gallery.

     4. Document Your Journey

Gallery art can serve as a creative way to showcase your journey during an experience or your travels. Include some photos from when you were on that fun vacation, or hang up a picture that has a real back-story and adds some story to your wall gallery.

Wall galleries are a definite beautiful way to display all of your art, from sculptures to paintings and photos. If you are still hesitant about where to start from or lacking in creative ideas for how to display your art, we have some tips here on how to create a perfect art wall gallery easily.

  • Choose your Art

First, you will have to choose the frames you want, art and the photos that will be going up on your wall. Choosing your preferred art can be tricky and requires some personality. Also, good artwork is quite challenging to source and it can take quite some time to put together. (mytravelintuscany) No matter what, don’t compensate with a less than perfect piece to fill up your wall; you will definitely regret it.

  • Follow a Theme

Before starting up any wall art, you should have a theme or a style in mind. Your preferred theme could be anything from classy to romantic, or even just playful and fun. Whatever you decide to stick to, having a pre-planned theme will make the entire process easier and more organized for you. It will also help you know what kind of colors you will use, material, and the kind of artwork you should source for.

  • Size

Do you want your art wall gallery to take up the entire length of a wall? Or perhaps you would like it to hang over a section; maybe over the plants in the corner. Whatever you decide, the size of your frames will play a big part in how large you want your wall gallery to be. Make sure that your frames are not smaller or bigger than the wall you intend to hang them on. You can cleverly use smaller frames in between larger ones, to fill up the spaces.

With the popularity of wall art décor growing more and more, it is important to make your home feel as trendy as possible, and you can use some of these tips to that effect.


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