Last Updated on December 10, 2018
When summer is over and the golden leaves start to fall down from the trees, you know that you need to start thinking about the best ways to prepare your home for the cold season because winter is not that far anymore as you thought it was when you were enjoying the nice weather in the backyard of your house. Autumn is definitely the best time of the year to improve your home in order to create the right environment for winter because the weather is both not too hot, neither too cold and the days are still long enough to give you enough time to complete your tasks. When preparing your home for winter, there are several things you need to consider in order to make sure that you create a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment both for yourself and your family. Here are the most essential home-improvements you need to do to ensure you will have a cozy and safe winter inside your house.
Tune up your heating system
First of all, you should be aware of the fact that safety comes first and the safety and wellbeing of you and your family are definitely something which you are incredibly concerned about. Unfortunately, during winter, there are numerous tragic situations provoked by the negligence of people who do not realize the importance of getting the heating system checked by a professional in order to make sure that there is no gas or monoxide carbon leak. Moreover, apart from the safety issues, checking your heating system before the sub-zero temperatures arrive will also help you make sure that it is functional and you will not end up in the middle of winter with no solution to warm your house.
Check the gas and carbon monoxide detectors
Even if you have checked your heating system and you are sure that there is nothing to worry about, it is always better to worry than to be sorry. You can never know when a damage to the heating system could appear, so it is better to always be prepared to prevent a situation which might put your family in danger. Make sure that you remember to check the gas and carbon monoxide detectors to know for sure that they are functional and change the batteries with new ones so that you and your family will know if there is a risk of gas or monoxide carbon poisoning so that you can leave the house immediately before a tragedy might happen.
Inspect your roof
Having to deal with water getting inside your house through the roof in the middle of winter is definitely a situation you would wish for. So, in order to make sure that you avoid it, you need to inspect your roof or ask a professional to do it. The summer storms could damage your roof which might break during winter when a big amount of snow cumulates on it. You need to check the roof for any damaged, loose, or missing shingles which might cause leakage during storms or when the heavy snowing starts.
Prepare your swimming pool for winter
One important aspect which many homeowners seem to neglect and have to deal with the consequences afterward is preparing the swimming pool for winter. Surely, during summer it was all fun and you thought that you will never have to end the fun of swimming in the pool from your yard under the warm sunlight. However, as winter is about to come, you need to consider offering a proper maintenance to your swimming pool if you wish to have it ready for the moment when the next summer will come. If you have an outdoor pool, apart from the fact that you need to properly clean it and drain all the water out of it to make sure the water does not freeze inside the swimming pool, you also need to make sure that you cover it during the whole winter. However, if you have an indoor swimming pool, you can still enjoy the fun of it after you clean it and add superior quality important winter treatment to make sure that you kill bacteria and algae.
Clean and inspect your fireplace
Another important aspect which you need to be incredibly considerate about because it might be something which can transform into a danger for you and your family is to check the fireplace and clean it properly. The fireplace can be a beautiful and fashionable home feature because it creates the atmosphere of a cozy and warm house. however, it can be a real danger for you and your family if you do not properly do the annual maintenance. Carefully examine the firebox and look for smoke stains which could tell you that your fireplace is not functioning well. Moreover, you should also not forget about getting an annual inspection of the chimney by a professional to make sure that it is safe for you to start a fire in the fireplace once winter arrives.Â
Insulate your home
One of the best ways to make sure that your home will be the perfect environment for winter and you will have a warm and cozy house is to insulate the walls and the rooftop of your house. if you have already insulated your home, you already know the numerous advantages which it brings. However, if your house is still not insulated, you definitely need to make sure that this autumn you are going to improve your home with this important step. Apart from the fact that by insulating the walls and rooftop of your house you are going to prevent the heat loss which will help you have a warm house for a long time, you are also going to protect the walls of your house from the mold which might appear because of the humidity from the outside. Moreover, you are definitely going to notice the fact that the electricity bills will cost less due to the fact that there will be no more heat loss.