How to Make a Career Out of The Wedding Industry

How to Make a Career Out of The Wedding Industry

Last Updated on September 15, 2018

If you’re a lover of weddings, then forging yourself a career out of them should be a no-brainer for you. By doing so, you wouldn’t have to wait months or even years for somebody you know to tie the knot to attend such events, as you’d be doing it almost weekly during the peak seasons. You could do any number of things and play any kind of role in the wedding career field, too, from being a planner of the special occasions to actually performing at them, meaning you could put your specific skill set to good use. To see what jobs are out there in the wedding market for you to be trying your hat at, make sure to carry on reading.

Get a wedding planner job

If you feel like strong coordination abilities are in your skill set, and you are dead set on making a career out of ‘I do,’ then wedding planning could be the best route for you to take. By doing so, you would be faced with varying duties, all of which vary in difficulty. From venue finding to theme creation to dressing the wedding party to finding a suitable caterer, your list of jobs would be endless for every wedding that you take on. What this all means, quite simply, is that, aside from the bride and groom themselves, as a wedding planner you would be the most important person at every ceremony.

If you feel like you can handle the pressure, and if you like budgeting, time management, and networking skills come naturally to you, then go for it and become a wedding planner. To do so, you start your journey off by getting yourself a bachelor’s degree in event planning — during your time in education, you should be getting as much work experience as you can by offering your services to a wedding planner in your local area. Also, you should try to get yourself as many experiences as you can in the hospitality industry, particularly that that is directly linked to weddings — getting yourself a waiter or waitress job in a hotel that caters for receptions would be a worthwhile course of action for you to take.

Join or even start a wedding band

If you’re more creative than you are organized (although, organization is key in all aspects of the wedding industry), then joining or even starting a wedding band could be your calling — and, no, this isn’t strictly a route for just musicians to take, either.

Of course, if you are musically inclined, or if you want to be, then joining or starting a wedding reception band as a performer yourself is always going to be worthwhile, and it can even be done in your spare time — to start such a venture, make sure to use a promo code to get a great deal on the instrument of your choosing. However, if you haven’t got a musical bone in your body but still want to involve yourself with such a band, you can work behind the scenes for one, too, as either a promoter or distributor. If you were to land yourself such a role, you’d be tasked with keeping all the parties involved happy, from the band to those that book them. So, your people skills would have to be top notch!

Become a cake decorator

If you’ve got bags of experience in the food-service industry and you’re particularly handy when it comes to cake creation and decoration, then why not put these skills and accolades to the test by focusing solely on decorating wedding cakes?

If you do decide to take such a route to land your dream job in the wedding industry, just be aware that gone are the days of simple white cakes with plastic brides and grooms standing atop of them. Today, real-life brides and grooms want cakes of lavish proportions — they want their wedding cake to be a spectacle and a production, and they want it to incorporate all sorts of color schemes and themes. So, by becoming a cake decorator, you’d sure have your work cut out for you!

Turning your passion into a profession will give you the job satisfaction you need to face each new job that you take on with renewed enthusiasm. What’s more, the satisfaction you get from having a positive impact on the most important day of your customer’s lives will see you want to do the job for years to come. So, as mentioned, making a career out of weddings should be a no-brainer for you!