The Bub Hub – Making it Through the First Month of Being a Parent

The Bub Hub - Making it Through the First Month of Being a Parent

Last Updated on August 17, 2018

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As a first-time parent, you can attest that the months leading up to arrival of your new addition was a time of so much anticipation and planning. The laughable thing is that you thought the labour would be the hardest part. Now that your precious little bundle of joy has finally greeted the world, you realise that the work has only just started!

So, how to make it through the first month of being a parent? Here’s our ‘bub hub’ guide.

Get back to basics

The right baby equipment can lessen the toll of that first month of parenthood – by providing time saving and ergonomic solutions (that can feel like a veritable life raft when you are cast adrift in a never ending current of diaper changes and early morning feeds). Nursery furniture, like tiered change tables, change mats, cots, cradles, bassinets and gliders (available from this baby shop) improve you and your baby’s ease of access, comfort level and overall morale – leading to increased bonding and more smiles all round!  

It’s so easy to get caught up in all the cute and colourful baby accessories and paraphernalia available on the market. But, it’s really important to remember that sturdy, adaptable and convertible (think about how fast your child will grow) trumps anything gimmicky, flimsy or transient. It’s a good idea to leave all those kinds of purchases for grandma/grandpa and focus on the basics during the first month with your newborn.

Get some ‘you time’ and let others help

Having a baby means an abrupt change to your regular routine and a schedule that is well and truly out of your comfort zone! It’s important to remember you are only human, and that you will require time out and assistance from your partner (of course) and other support givers. As a first time parent you will be able to nap when your baby sleeps, so certainly make the most of this time!

But, beyond this make sure you also have time to wind down and recharge and see the world outside the confines of the nursery. You shouldn’t overlook the state of your emotional and mental health, and should take measures to relieve your duties from time to time (call in a family member or babysitter if you have to). You should never feel guilty about doing so as this will give your more resilience and patience over the long run. Happy mum equals happy bub!

Learn to love a ‘new normal’

Suddenly you have a brand spanking new human is your life. And, one that is totally dependant on you for every little tiny thing at frustratingly miniscule, sleep destroying intervals. Due to this, showering on a daily basis has likely become a thing you only faintly recall. Yes, you knew about the nappies, but did you know that YOU would become this stinky?

And apart from just this very outward manifestation of motherhood, their are all the hidden aspects of healing from the physical act of giving birth to deal with. There are so many icky things that people never told you about, like incontinence, night sweats and postpartum hormone surges. So, don’t be too hard on yourself, as these things will pass and there so much to juggle in that first month. Ease into your new normal and allow for some hiccups and hissy fits, it’s only natural!

Making it through

It’s widely acknowledge that those first few weeks with a newborn are often the hardest, as you and your little one adjust to each other. As a first-time mum it can be even more difficult dealing with all the ‘rookie’ aspects, such as feeling unsure about how exactly to handle all the finer details. The best bit of advice to take away from this ‘bub hub’ guide? There is no ‘right way’ and the most important thing to remember is that through all the tough times there is nothing you would not trade for the joy alone of gazing on those perfect little fingers and toes!