Memories of your new born child

Memories of your new born child

Last Updated on February 26, 2018

Bringing a new born into this world is nothing short of glorious, I mean they say that babies themselves are a miracle to their parents. This is clearly evident by the number of people who are reported not to be able to give birth or carry pregnancies. In addition to that it is clearly evident by the number of applications that are received of parents who want to adopt a new born. Therefore after carrying this precious little jewel for over nine months and battled all those challenges that come with it such as morning sickness, it is therefore imperative to document the memories of a new born child by engaging in newborn Photography.

This article will seek to provide an informative guide about all you need to know in case you want to venture into this market or better yet document some of these memories for your family to be able to remember their new addition.

  • Timing of the photography shoot

That is why the current generation has to be thankful for modern technology that allows parents to document these precious moments using photography. The other thing about this photoshoot is they have to be booked early because everyone knows how fast children grow and in no time they will be making their first step and you will not be able to capture these moments. As a parent you should therefore look into booking a photography session with your new born as you approach the end of your second trimester. If you want to capture your new born in a sweet curling pose then it is recommended to do the shoot around the first week of birth or the second before they start to stretch their arms and legs.

  • Duration of the session

You have to keep in mind that the baby is a new born and has not yet fit into a proper schedule for sleep or for meals therefore you need to negotiate with your photographer to give you at least four hours in the shoot because half of that time will be used in feeding or comforting the baby. You should also suggest to have the family shoots in between when the baby needs to take a break that way no time is wasted and the task at hand is achieved.

  • Safety precautions and what to carry

You should ensure that the area of the shoot is warm and that the child is comfortable, the last thing you want is to hurt your baby while you are trying to fit them into a particular pose. You should also ensure that the props you use for the shoot are not harmful to the child as they are still fragile. In the section of what to carry do remember to bring with you pacifiers to keep the baby calm and suckling on something, wet wipes and diapers to change the child in case he or she soils themselves during the shoot. Also ensure that the baby is protected on the surface they are laid on for the shoot.