Weight Loss after a Brazilian Butt Lift

Weight Loss after a Brazilian Butt Lift

Last Updated on January 16, 2018

If you are considering a Brazilian butt lift, it’s an effective way to take unwanted fat that is somewhere else on your body so that you can put it to good use. The fat is harvested through a liposuction procedure. Your plastic surgeon will target the best place to take fat from your body by making a minor incision in that area. It could be your abdomen, your upper arms, or your thighs. Once your surgeon removes the fat, your incision will be closed, the fat will need to be purified, and it will be injected into your buttocks. This is your chance to pump up the volume in your backside to give yourself the curves and roundness you have always wanted. If you don’t want to deal with getting butt implants and a more involved surgical procedure, this could be the answer for you. There’s only one problem. You’re worried that fluctuations in your weight could change your results. You want to lose weight and trim away the stubborn fat that is lingering on your body, but you don’t want to see your new and improved backside whittle down to nothing. Fortunately, you can lose weight and maintain your Brazilian butt lift. Your body is amazing and will adjust accordingly.

When Your Fat is Transferred Properly, Your Brazilian Butt Lift Will be Here to Stay

Put yourself in the hands of a talented plastic surgeon who has a wealth of experience when it comes to Brazilian butt lifts and you will continue to have an amazing shape after weight loss. The key is to make sure your fat is grafted properly. When it is injected in the proper location in adequate proportions of fat, you will have a new shape that is not going to be altered by weight loss. If you intend to lose weight after your procedure, your body is going to adjust accordingly in order to give you an enhanced figure that you are going to love. You’ll see a trimmer waistline and tighter figure that will show off your butt lift even more. Your Brazilian butt lift will actually transform your buttocks to give you a new figure as the transferred fat grafts to your body. However, you have to have excess fat in order to benefit from this procedure. If you have a goal to shed weight, you’ll need to wait until after your Brazilian butt lift to make sure you have enough fat for the procedure. Once your fat transfer is complete, you can concentrate on shaping the rest of your body to really make your new buttocks stand out.

Tips for Losing Weight After a Brazilian Butt Lift

Regardless of when you want to lose weight, you need to remember to do it safely. That means no crash diets or extreme exercise regimes. You don’t want to take the weight off so quickly that it eliminates all the fat on your body and takes muscle with it. Slow and steady is the best rule of thumb to follow any time that you are working on shaping your body. Begin with a realistic and safe goal for yourself that will give you the figure you want without going to extremes. Your weight loss should be gradual. Aim for one or two pounds a week. It will take time, but be patient. You will be able to get that number down on the scale without affecting your Brazilian butt lift. The best thing that you can do is adopt changes that are healthy for you for the rest of your life. Begin by watching your portions so that you don’t overindulge. Consider eating several smaller meals in a day rather than three large meals. Choose fresh foods that aren’t processed. Lean sources of protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fresh produce will help you to reach your goals for your body while you approach weight loss in a healthy way. Think of it as an overhaul for your lifestyle. Your Brazilian butt lift can be the first step in your body’s transformation.

Don’t Forget Exercise

Exercise is a key component of any effective weight loss plan. The key is to burn fat and build muscle. When you build muscle, you’ll shed that fat more quickly. Alternate strength training with cardio exercises to get the best results. You can target certain areas in your body that need to be trimmed down. At the same time, you can choose exercises that will continue to build your buttocks so that your Brazilian butt lift will look more amazing than it did before. Do your research or ask for tips from a personal trainer to get the best out of your workout

Stay Hydrated

Getting enough water in your body is one of the most important things you need to remember. Whether you are losing weight or simply doing your best to take care of yourself, you need to drink plenty of water. The recommended amount of water per day is 64 ounces. As a rule of thumb, make that number more manageable by drinking eight glasses of water that contain eight ounces. You will flush toxins out of your body and keep your systems working at optimal levels.

Contact Dr. Steinbrech Today to Discuss Your Brazilian Butt Lift

If you think a Brazilian butt lift will give you a boost in confidence, contact Dr. Steinbrech’s office today to schedule your consultation. Dr. Steinbrech is one of America’s Top Plastic Surgeons according to the Consumers’ Research Council of America. As a board certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he is a doctor you can trust. Dr. Steinbrech has performed a broad range of procedures in Los Angeles and Manhattan. You could become his next success story. The journey begins with you when you discuss the possibility of a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Steinbrech will evaluate you and explore your options to enhance your figure when you come in for your first appointment.