Tips on How to Find a Great Architect

Tips on How to Find a Great Architect

There are not many things that are as exciting as building a new house or watching the old one transform before your eyes. The person that affects these transformations is the architect. His plan is what will dictate the appearance as well as function of the completed project. His plan will also have an effect on the finances as well as the emotional toll that is involved throughout the project. That is why you need to hire an architect who is not only highly trained and experienced but one that strives to build a client-architect relationship that is personal. With that being said, it is time to look at the key things you need to consider when searching for the right person for the job.


First things first; you need to contact people who have worked with architects before. The reason for this is because their personal experiences will greatly inform your choice. Know what they liked and disliked about their architect. You also need to get the contacts of the most recommended architect in the area. Get recommendations from family, friends as well as professional colleagues. If there is a home in your area that you admire, don’t be afraid to knock on the door. The owner of that house might just introduce you to the best architect in the country.

Get recommendations from pros in related fields

The recommendations you get from family and friends might not be enough. If you need to compile your list further, you need to contact professionals in related fields. These could be interior designers, general contractors and so on. Getting an architect and contractor who work well together is one of the most important ingredients for success in the project.

Dig deeper

Referrals from friends and recommendations from pros in related fields will help you compile a list of reliable architects in your area. This list needs to be shortened to only include the best architect such as the Douglas Strachan Architects. To do so, you need to review every individual architect in your list. Consider the following things:

  • Experience –For how long has the architect been in business? The more experienced he is the better.
  • License – Licensed architects are the best to work with. They have a degree from accredited colleges and have completed a few thousand intern hours under licensed professionals.
  • Service fee –The most expensive architect is not always the best one to work with. Find an architect who is experienced, licensed and one that is within your budget. Even so, you must avoid the cheapest architects.
  • Portfolio – How good is his portfolio? His portfolio should demonstrate that he can deliver what you are looking for.
  • Communication skills – Are you able to understand each other properly? Avoid architects that push you into things.

The above points will get you started on the right path when searching for the best architect to work with. Make sure that you only hire someone that you feel most comfortable working with. The architect you hire must also come highly recommended.


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