5 Must Know Packing Tips When Traveling

5 Must Know Packing Tips When Traveling

No matter how good your organizational skills are, there’s a lot to learn about packing from travel experts who’ve visited different parts of the world. Apart from getting to know of the rules and regulations of different countries, you can find the most amazing hacks that always come in handy when traveling. From saving space to stuffing maximum items, to making it through the security clearance with ease, there’s always room for more of these tips.

Here are some amazing packing hacks that are a must-read before you start packing for your much awaited trip.

1. Roll your Clothes. Always!

Might not sound so hard for men, but its probably the biggest dilemma in a woman’s life when she has to travel with the minimum number of clothes. This is where this amazing tip comes in handy.

Rolling your clothes instead of folding them, occupies half the space, allowing you to take double the clothes than you were going to, in the first place.

Another advantage of this is that your clothes remain wrinkle free, and you can wear them anywhere and everywhere, without getting them pressed. Impressive. Right?

2. Get Familiar with the TSA Rules

Whether you’re running late for the airport or not, it’s always important to pack in accordance with TSA rules and regulations, to avoid hours of wait in the security check.

Some basic mistakes people often make are carrying off-size shampoo or lotion bottles, or suitcases that don’t fit the standard dimensions. Be sure to read the TSA requirements, and you can avoid the hassle and stress just before you fly for your vacation.

3. Keep Valuables in Your Carry-on

Once you’ve reviewed the TSA rules and regulations about what can be carried and not, you need to decide what goes in the checked baggage and the hand luggage. Since the hand luggage limit is way less compared to checked baggage, most of us often make the mistake of packing our important belongings in the latter.

It is also advisable to either carry all valuables with you when traveling. If that’s not possible, you can always rent a storage facility, to keep your belongings at home secure and safe from the risk of burglaries. This tip came specially all the way from our friends at San Diego storage units.

Unless there are any legal complications involved, always keep your belongings in the hand luggage. Out of sight means out of mind. Your checked baggage is treated pretty badly and you don’t want to risk damaging your valuables by putting them in it.

4. Use Compression Sacks

All hail modern packing aids that make facing the challenges of packing for flights, so much easier and secure. One of these packing aids that is a must-have, are the travel compression cubes.

These bags can be filled to their optimum capacity and then air can be evacuated using a vacuum pump. This considerably occupies lesser space, and facilitates packing by making it more efficient, speedy and organized.

What’s more? Many of these vacuum bags have a beautiful fragrance to them, leaving your packed clothes free of the rotten scent typical suitcases have.

5. Go for a Lighter Suitcase

Yes we agree that you’ve barely used your “new” suitcase in the past 7-8 years, but what you are missing out on are the new, lightweight and far more secure suitcases now available in your nearest store.

Lighter suitcases comply with your traveling light ideology and allow you to keep more stuff than you would, in an old, heavier suitcase. You also save yourself the trouble of taking additional lightweight luggage out of the suitcase at the airport.

If you want to go on a skiing adventure and pack as lightly as you possible can, may I suggest you Ski Armadillo and try your best not to need too many layers, because, lastly, who wants to go about, roaming on their vacation, with a heavy as iron suitcase?

Happy Traveling!


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