How to Choose Your Girl’s Dance Costume

How to Choose Your Girl’s Dance Costume

With the wide selection of dancewear design options available today, it can be a bewildering task to choose the ideal dance costume for your young girl’s dance class or any other special occasion.

The costume for a dance class includes several components: dance shoes, tights, leotards, and dance top, plus accessories. All of these components should match and complement each other, or constitute a striking, eye-catching set of contrasts. Shopping online at top-tier girls’ dancewear sites like will put a wide variety of options at your fingertips.

How to Select the Ideal Girl’s Dance Costume

If your girl is enrolled in a dance class, the instructor may have some guidelines and limitations on what kind of uniform must be worn, and sometimes these requirements are rather strict. But in many cases, you will have more leeway to choose a dance outfit based on your parental requirements and your girl’s preferences.

Here are some tips on how to go about making the decision:

  1. Match the dancewear to the dance style and the music. It is much easier to choose the dance outfit based on the dance/music than the other way around. The beat, moves, melody, and words/story of the song can give you guidance. Are you looking for something elegant, flashy, fun and a little bit wild, or plain and basic? How easy is the outfit to move and stretch in and how long will the dance be? Do you need a specific color or pattern to fit with the theme or to blend in with other dancers in a group? These are the kinds of questions you must answer in order to choose the ideal costume.
  2. Consider what age group the costume is designed for. Aside from the costume fitting physically, it should also be appropriate to the age of the one wearing it. Some costumes look great on 10 year olds but not 15 year olds; others are cute on a 5 year old; still others are more “mature looking” and perfect for an 18 year old. Use your common sense, and take note of the approximate age of the model wearing the costume or costume component in the advertisement.
  3. Find a Costume for Your Girl’s Body Type. People are naturally built different, and not everything looks good on everyone. The shape, size, tightness, color, stripes alignment (if any), and other features of a costume will all have a different visual effect on different wearers. And a costume one girl feels comfortable in, another girl will not. Envision your girl actually wearing the dance costume, and get her input on it as well.
  4. Uphold Your Modesty Standards. While this can be a controversial topic, it cannot be ignored. Parents must set some kind of modesty standards for their kids, so you have to come up with some principles and concrete standards. But also think about what an audience will think and what the dance instructor and fellow students will think. You don’t want your girl to be in tears with embarrassment. But within your modesty parameters, give your girl some leeway on what to choose.
  5. Know How to Choose Dancewear Colors. There is more to choosing a color than personal preference or dance instructor requirements. Here are some basic principles: bright colors are perfect for stage shows, black is “too boring” unless it sparkles or has a unique pattern, skin-tone colors are hard to see and could seem immodest in some situations. Solid colors or structured patterns are generally more formal, while multi-colored and random patterns are more informal.


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