Should I Go For A Tank Or A Tankless Water Heater?

Water Heater with tank

Last Updated on June 9, 2019

Can’t Decide Between A Tankless And A Tank Water Heater?

Well, you are not alone with your dilemma. Many people all around the world are having second thoughts about the two types of water heater: tankless and tank. If you are going to look at it, they just serve one function for your home; yet, these containers are different in form and way on how they can supply boiling water.

How Can We Deal With It?

First, let’s look down on their primary functions and how they differ from each other. Second, let us compare their advantages and disadvantages. On these two steps, we can know them better, and we can choose with a thorough understanding of the product.

Difference Between Tank And A Tankless Water Heater

The tank water heater is also called traditional water heater. This heater is the most common type of water heater and the first to be out in the market. This water heater can store and preheat 30-50 gallons of water in a container.

When someone goes to shower or in need of hot water, the preheated water can be utilized. After that, the tank refills and will undergo re-heating. Rated by their gallon-capacity, most traditional water heater comes from 40-gallon up to 120-gallon water heater.

On the other hand, tankless water heater is also known as the instantaneous water heater, supply water every time that there is a need. This heater can heat up water without the use of a storage container. It uses a heat source like an electric current or a gas burner to heat the water.

The cold water moves through a pipe into the unit when the hot water faucet is activated. This method can result in a consistent delivery of hot water.  An instantaneous water heater can provide boiling water at a rate of 2-5 gallons or 7.6-15.2 liters per minute. Water warms lesser when the energy used is electric than if it is gas-fired.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Traditional Water Heater


  • Less expensive: The installation of the traditional water heater can cost partially half than the tankless one.
  • Simple and cheap to restore: Such water heaters are less complicated than the tankless one. The installation requires less effort and time thus securing the service to be thoroughly and efficiently done.


  • Higher bill: Because you need to heat water most of the time especially during winter, this increases the amount of money that you need to allocate for your bills.
  • Cumbersome and bulky: Because of its size and weight, it requires bigger occupancy in the room.
  • Water can run out: Because the tank has a maximum capacity, it is possible that water can run out when the storage becomes empty.
  • Shorter life span: This kind of heater can only last up to 10-15 years.

Tankless Water Heater


  • Last longer: Such heaters can have more than 20 years of life expectancy.
  • Small and flexible: It is smaller and requires little place. It is also flexible that you can install it anywhere in your house.
  • Guaranteed sufficient water supply: Such tank can assure you that you can use hot water anytime that you want to.


  • Expensive: It cost more but can be used in the long run.

We know how important water heaters are in our lives. Choosing the best tankless water heater substantially depends on our understanding and need. Make sure to check the tank and tankless water heater reviews on the internet before purchasing one. It can be of great help.

Lastly, all the decision is yours. Should you go for a tank or tankless water heater?