Colourful Tips for Introducing Spring Into your Home

glassware and nice flowers in home

Last Updated on March 21, 2017

Ah, the freshness of spring. The crisp, cool air and the sun warming your face; some say it’s the greatest of all four seasons, and we’d agree, as with spring comes spring cleaning – the perfect time to rid your home of all those cobwebs and winter blues and get some fresh energy into your home.

But apart from opening all the windows and dusting every surface in sight, what can you do to bring a more ‘spring feel’ into your home?

Decorate with a spring colour scheme

If you were asked to imagine spring colours, what would come to mind? Deep violets and indigos of the bluebells, golden buttercups, or the pastel shades of the sunrise?

Take these colours as inspiration and start decorating; paint the walls a lighter shade to brighten up the room, buy some new rugs and cushions in bright colours, and give furniture a lick of paint to freshen them up. Spring is the time to brighten up your home!

If you’re looking for some professionally curated spring colours, you can trust in the likes of Pantone and Dulux – who both have ranges of spring colours for you to draw inspiration from.

lady bugs inside of home

Invite the outdoors inside

Bringing the beauty of spring indoors can really help to freshen up your home – with the help of floral displays, plants and fresh clippings, your home will smell like a meadow by the time you’ve decorated!

Flowers like daffodils and tulips offer abundant colour and are icons of springtime, placed in vases, they can bring life and love to a room – just remember to water and feed them regularly.

Another popular & seasonal interior trend is the art of forcing spring branches. This is achieved by cutting the branches of blossoming trees (such as pear and magnolia) and placing them in water so that they continue to blossom.

This brings a beautiful and natural feel into a room where floral arrangements just aren’t cutting it – so get out there and find some blossoming branches!

We’ve found some instructions that will help.

flowers and nice kitchen in home

Clear your home of unused items

There is nothing quite like the feeling of decluttering your home – clearing out all those old and unused items that are simply taking up space. We all put this task off until the last minute, however, spring is here and there’s no time like the present! So, make yourself a spring cleaning checklist and get started!

Depending on how much clutter you must shift, it may be easier to split your efforts room by room or even item by item – donating items to charity and scrapping the old stuff is not only guaranteed to make your home feel lighter and more open, but it takes a weight off your shoulders.

You might stumble across one or two pieces that are too nice to throw away, in which case…


Upcycle and reuse

That antique chair or chaise you have in the garage, the one with all the mildew on the fabric – don’t throw it away! There are many inspiring tutorials online for upcycling and reupholstering furniture that will make you never want to chuck a piece of furniture away ever again.

This step-by-step tutorial from house beautiful will walk you through all the steps, materials and tools you will need to commence your upholstering project, and you get the fun part – choosing the material!

A light, floral design or a bold and bright geometric print is sure to introduce a fresh palate of colours and shapes to your home.

About the author:

Alex works for Sofa Sofa – who design and build all of their Sofas in the valleys of Wales and blog about interior design and home furniture.