Last Updated on March 30, 2021
If you are someone who lives with a disability, you will know just how much it can affect nearly every aspect of your life. Everybody’s disability is different, and so is the way in which they react to it. But one thing most disabled people will tell you is that it by no means has to define you. Disabilities come in many forms, from mental to physical and from minor to more severe. But there is no reason why your disability should stop you from enjoying regular aspects of ‘normal’ life. Here are some of the common things that a lot of uninformed people think disabled people can’t do – and why so many of us are proving them wrong.
There is a common conception that disabled people have to rely purely on money from the federal state. Whilst this is true in some circumstances – for example, if a person’s disability rendered them completely unable to work at all – it certainly doesn’t apply to everyone with a disability. Firms such as David Chermol can indeed help find you support if you are out of work or need an assisted income. But there are actually plenty of jobs that disabled people can do, no matter what their disability is. If your disability is physical, why not try and find a workplace that has made the effort to improve access for things like wheelchairs? Working from home is also an option for disabled people, especially for those who feel overwhelmed by social situations.
Independent living
Another common misconception is that disabled people always live with their parents, or that they have to live in care. Wrong again! More disabled people than ever now live independently, as they are deemed to have a right to do so. If you are concerned about the way your disability may affect your ability to keep on top of things like rent and bills, simply ask a trusted friend or family member to help you if you need it. If ease of access is a concern of yours, you can do one of two things. One is moving into assisted living – where you still have your own flat or house, but it is specially equipped with safety equipment. Many of these types of properties also have staff living nearby who can come and help you should you injure yourself or fall. Or, you can simply get your own property kitted out with support railings and a help button, should you need it.
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Just like a non-disabled person, disabled people too have hobbies and interests that lie outside of work and the home. However your disability manifests itself, you have every right to still follow your dreams and let your hair down every now and again. As well if you are a big fan of sports, find a local disabled team in your area added Keep Moving Care. Wheelchair basketball is incredibly popular, and there are plenty of other team sports you can get involved in with like minded people. Living with a disability doesn’t mean your quality of life has to be any less than an able-bodied person; so get out there and defy expectations.