#OctoberScopers Day 1: Introductions


Last Updated on April 27, 2020

I am extremely excited to be a part of #OctoberScopers, a 31 day challenge for the month of October where I will be sharing a different topic each day on Periscope to my viewers! This was put together by fellow bloggers WorkingMomMagic.com and GirlOnTheMoveBlog.com 

My first topic for October 1st is to introduce myself. I am new to Periscope and hope to become more comfortable with it as the days go on. This is a great opportunity to get me out of my comfort zone and develop relationships within the blogging community. I am happy to be involved with #OctoberScopers and am looking forward to the next month!

Are you on Periscope? What is your name so I can follow you! Follow my social media below and enjoy my first Periscope!



