*Eerie Eyes*


A last minute decoration that I had to make were the eerie eyes out of toilet paper rolls. I always have a stash of toilet paper rolls for projects. When a opportunity comes up to use them, I take it. The only time consuming part was cutting out the eyes. I had to bend the roll to get a good first cut into it, then it went smoothly. My sister helped me, so this took about a half hour and I made about 10 different sets of eyes. This total project cost me $1.00. I bought the glow-sticks at The Dollar Tree and 15 came in a pack. I ended putting them throughout the house at night and with all of the lights off, they looked spooky. It was a nice extra craft project to make to set the scene for Halloween!

toilet paper roll projects

My supplies: Toilet paper rolls, scissors, sharpie and glow-sticks

toilet paper halloween rolls

I drew different sets of scary eyes on the rolls

halloween toilet paper roll project

I then cut out the eyes with my scissors

halloween easy projects

I inserted the glow-sticks into the toilet paper rolls 

halloween project ideas

With the flash off, you can kind of see the color of the glow-stick better

toilet paper roll ideas

I hid some in the bushes outside

halloween toilet paper roll scary eyes

Here are the eyes in the dark! This is the best my camera could do 

scary eyes toilet paper rolls

I found the green and blue glow-stick colors worked best because they were the brightest 

halloween balloons

Another cute idea: Draw Halloween images onto pumpkins!

Eerie Eyes Supplies:

  • Toilet paper/Paper Towel Rolls
  • Scissors
  • Marker
  • Glowsticks
How To Make:
  1. Using the marker, draw different eye patterns on the toilet/paper towel rolls
  2. Cut out the eye shapes using scissors
  3. Place the rolls around the house or outside in bushes 
  4. Turn on the glow-sticks and insert them into the toilet paper rolls
  5. Remember to do this only when it is dark so you get the full effect


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