Top 3 Brainteasers To Take A Break From Work

take a break from work

The brain and the muscles share a lot in common. When you exercise them, they get stronger. However, because your brain can’t lift weights, do yoga or run, you can make it fit by solving puzzles like picture cross and brain teasers. This article gives you three brain teasers that can help you to take a break from work.

  1. Riddles

Riddles are questions or statements that require an answer. Most of them are thought-proving and are regarded as puzzles. The best riddles should get your mind thinking and help you take a break from work. They can be complicated or straightforward, depending on the creator. There are two main types of riddles, namely conundrums and enigmas. 

Conundrums are questions that give a hint of the answer, while enigmas require you to answer metaphorically. In both cases, you have to think well to develop the right solution. 

Some examples of riddles include;

  1. Which animal goes on fours in the morning, walks on two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night? The correct answer is human beings because they crawl when they’re toddlers, walk on their two feet, and then use a stick when they’re old.
  2. I’m so fragile that when you mention my name, you break me. The answer is silence. 
  3. One thing breaks though it doesn’t fall, while another falls but doesn’t break. The day breaks, and the night falls. 

2. Visual Puzzles

Visual puzzles have letters and pictures that a person must interpret to come up with a solution. To get the correct answer, you have to process different types of stimuli or patterns.

Examples of visual puzzles include many smaller figures embedded in larger figures. Such a puzzle may require you to identify the total number of figures that you can see. Most people find these types of puzzles among the most frustrating ones because it’s quite challenging to come up with the correct answer. One person may end up with a different number every time they count the figures.

3. Optical Illusions

Optical illusions are puzzles that use patterns, light, and color to develop images that can mislead and deceive the mind. Your eye will gather the information from the picture, which will be processed by the brain. However, the perception that you get from the image may not match that of a real picture. That’s because people interpret the image differently. The illusions will occur because the brain tries to compare the picture with what you see in real life. 

People have loved optical illusions for quite some time. The Greek philosopher Plato described these illusions as tricks played on the mind by the senses. Psychologists have used optical illusions to determine how people perceive things. There are three categories of optical illusions, namely cognitive, literal, and physiological illusions. 

Summing Up

Brain teasers can be a great way to stimulate adrenaline and bring back your energy after a long day at work. You can find many brain teasers on the internet, but these are the most common ones. 



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