5 of the Biggest Fitness Trends in 2020


Just like all other industries and aspects of the modern world, fitness continues to evolve, both technologically and in terms of cutting-edge nutrition and exercise concepts. With more and more people wanting to live healthy lives, new trends in fitness demonstrate the changing culture of gyms, exercise regimen, diet, and strength training. 

COVID-19 has certainly complicated the gym scene, but in many ways, this unprecedented global health crisis is pushing fitness in new directions, as both trainers and clients are forced to adapt while still working up a sweat.

Here are 5 trends in fitness to keep your eyes on in 2020:

Community-driven fitness

The concept of community-driven fitness isn’t all that complicated – basically, it just means working out in groups and teams – but it’s a trend that has been growing in popularity and that growth is expected to continue in 2020 and beyond.

Community-driven fitness usually involves live-streamed classes, posting selfies as you check-in, social media challenges, and fitness apps that allow group chats. According to Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn, co-owners of a nutrition program, community fitness is especially popular with women. 

“[It’s] becoming more important than ever as women seek connection in their busy, modern lives,” they say, adding, “Having a team to cheer you on and empathize with where you are in your journey helps make those tough days more achievable.”

More and more gyms offer community-driven fitness programs. Some gyms in Tucson, for example, offer unlimited team training plans so that you can exercise and train with a group of friends.

HILIT—high-intensity, low-impact training

High-intensity interval training has been a hit among fitness-minded trainers for years. But high-intensity, low-impact training is expected to really take off in 2020 and beyond. It’s an evidence-based method of burning calories while reducing the strain on your joints.

Trainers say a HILIT session is based on working a certain muscle or part of the body vigorously for 20-30 seconds and then stopping for 10-15 seconds and repeating that for 8 sets. This leads to high-intensity muscle strength and an optimized cardiovascular workout.

This form of training is popular among runners, CrossFitters, and high-impact athletes.

All-in-one fitness

More and more healthcare providers, doctors, and physical therapists are consolidating their practices and attempting to synchronize and merge certain kinds of services. In the past, most people have had to make separate appointments for health checkups, exercise training, dietitians, PT, and other needs, but a new niche is forming that entails being able to receive all or most of your medical care, including physical therapy and gym workouts, from a single provider – sometimes in a single building.

Increasingly common with HMO healthcare providers like Kaiser Permanente, analysts expect all-in-one fitness to grow in popularity in the coming years.

Virtual trainers

In the age of COVID-19, it’s never been more clear that there is tremendous value in virtual and remote services. As virtual platforms get stronger, this trend is slowly spreading into physical fitness. One-on-one coaching through an online web portal allows trainers to book more clients and it allows clients to get a good workout from the comfort of their own home. 

This is especially crucial right now, as many people are quarantining and taking social distancing measures. Remote workouts can be done without wearing a mask or exposing yourself to the coronavirus. 

Rowing classes

Rowing as a regular training and fitness exercise has come a long way in recent years. Rowing machines are increasingly popular in gyms and used to build muscle (the English Institute of Sport says rowing works 86% of the body’s muscles). As a result, there is an entire new cottage industry surrounding it, including specialized gyms and exercise machines that are all about rowing. 

Trainers say that in addition to its powerful muscle workout, rowing increases upper body strength, reduces joint strain, and even improves posture. 

The fitness industry is booming and, as a result, there is a steady stream of new trends. In addition to the ones listed above, there are a great many additional trends in fitness, including digital on-demand apps, high-tech boutique training, kickboxing, meditation, cardio-rhythm classes, customized fitness programs, wearable tech/smart clothing, and many more. 

It’s a wide world of fitness out there. Even during a pandemic, you can still get your sweat on.


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