Make It Sparkle! 5 Apartment Cleaning Tips Every Renter Should Know

Make It Sparkle! 5 Apartment Cleaning Tips Every Renter Should Know

Keeping an apartment clean might seem more manageable because it’s typically not as large a house. Yet, smaller places come with their own challenges that make cleaning more difficult than first thought.

No matter what size your apartment is or how busy you are, keeping a clean apartment is easy with the right cleaning tips. All it takes is consistency and a plan.

To help you control the mess, let’s look at 5 ways to keep your apartment sparkling clean.

1. Clean as You Go

The easiest way to keep your apartment clean is to stay on top of chores before they get out of hand.

To do that, simply clean as you go.

After you cook dinner, take the extra 10 minutes to clean the dishes in the sink. When you leave the living room to head to bed, pick up after yourself and fluff the pillows.

Spending a little extra time to pick up as you go will save the headache of things piling up later on.

2. Focus on Surfaces

The surfaces of your apartment are where most of the dust and mess collect.

When trying to keep your apartment clean, focusing on surfaces is one of the cleaning tips you can’t ignore.

Wipe down countertops in the kitchen and bathroom every day. Clear off your desktop and dresser before you go to bed. Plus, dust all the surfaces in your apartment at least once a week.

3. Make Your Bed

There’s something about climbing into a made bed after a hectic day that makes you feel as if you have your life together.

Taking a few minutes each morning to make your bed not only feels good, but it also makes your apartment look good.

Get in the habit of making your bed part of your morning routine. A made bed will make your bedroom look visually tidy, plus reduce the amount of dust that settles in your sheets.

4. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Use

One of the major cleaning tips everyone preaches about is getting rid of clutter.

Leaving items you don’t use sitting around only collects dust and makes your apartment look unkempt.

Start purging items you no longer need. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t used it in the last 6 months, it’s time for it to go.

Separate them out into 3 piles: trash, donate, and sell. It’s a great way to clean out your apartment and maybe make some extra cash in the process.

5. You Can Hire Help

Sometimes there’s not enough time in the day to get the cleaning done. Or, cleaning might be a chore you hate doing.

Whatever the reason is, apartment cleaning services are for those who want outside help.

Having a big house is no longer a prerequisite to hiring a cleaning crew. Whether you want someone to come in and deep clean occasionally or come in every week, it’s an affordable way to keep your apartment spotless.

Keep a Tidy Apartment with These Cleaning Tips

Make apartment living clean living.

By using these cleaning tips, you will control the mess and become the tenant your landlord dreams of.

Looking for ways to organize your apartment? Check out the articles in our Organization blog!


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