7 Classy Man Cave Ideas Wives Will Love, Too

7 Classy Man Cave Ideas Wives Will Love, Too

Many men dream of a space in their home that is customized just for them. It’s often called a man cave, but you can call it what you want.

Usually in the basement, this place is perfectly designed to meet the relaxation needs of whoever owns it. Televisions, couches, poker tables, video games, cigars– these are the usual things that come to mind.

As a result, man caves have gotten something of a bad name. If a person starts to throw around the idea of getting a man cave, their significant other is likely to shake their head and never speak of it again.

There are some man cave ideas, though, that don’t have to rub your wife the wrong way. We’re going to cover some of those in this article, giving you some better ammunition in your next man cave discussion.

1. Backyard Addition

The first thing that irks people about mancaves is that they take up so much space. If your basement is meant for storage or family time, don’t take that away from your loved ones.

Suggest building an extension, however nice, in the back or side of the home. Heck, the garage can even do in a lot of cases.

2. Soundproof the Cave

The wife doesn’t want to hear you playing video games and mediocre guitar at all hours of the night? She might be delighted to hear that you would soundproof the room.

This is a considerate move and might improve your odds of getting the O.K.

3. Spend on Furniture

If you’re going to have a man cave, make it a nice one. A man cave with the couch you had in college and posters of your favorite bands from high school is the stuff of nightmares for the interior design-loving person.

This is your space, sure, but it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable eyesore for everyone else who enters it.

4. Make It Multipurpose

Sweeten the pot by offering to craft the area into a space where your wife can do what she wants as well. You could even offer to create two caves (maybe separated by a wall) where both of you can get away.

5. No Taxidermy

While it might be cool to your friends if you hang animals around the space, it might not be the same for your family and small children.

Sure, if it’s cool with everyone around, go for it. If not, spare your kids the nightmares!

6. Card Table

No man cave would be complete without a quality card table. You can teach your kids how to run the table, have a great time with the family, and invite all of your friends over to participate in some poker, sports betting, or whatever else you can get yourselves into.

7. Get It Done

Finally, make sure that you follow through on your idea to create a great man cave. All too often, people start with the best intentions and end about three-quarters of the way through the entire project.

What’s left is a television a couch, and a half-finished place that serves as a source for arguments.

Embrace These Man Cave Ideas

Hopefully, these man cave ideas sparked some inspiration to get moving on the project. There’s more to a home than a man cave, though.

For more information on interior design and making your house a home, explore our site.


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