Music To Your Ears: The Benefits Of Completing A Master’s In Music Education

music education program

Music incites all kinds of emotions, and music teachers are among the passionate type of educators on the planet. Although many music teachers excel in their role, the scope to progress and develop skills is often limited by a lack of opportunities that are targeted at this area of teaching. This is where a master’s in music education program comes in handy. If you’re a music educator looking to further your career, this useful infographic outlines the benefits of completing a master’s degree.

Did you know that 92.5% of elementary schools include music in their curriculum and 98% of high schools provided access to music education for students? K-12 music educators are in demand, but statistics suggest that many teachers don’t have access to the development programs and courses they need to facilitate progression. Only 54% of music educators currently receive targeted professional development.

Studying for a master’s degree creates incredible opportunities for those keen to advance their careers. Candidates gain valuable skills, and they also increase the chances of securing a pay raise. Teachers with an MA can expect to earn more than $8,000 per year more than those with a BA. Online learning enables teachers to work while they study, to diversify their career options, to increase their income and to focus on different areas and musical specialties. Examples include general music, choral, and instrumental.

If you teach music, and you’re looking for a way to open up and take advantage of new opportunities, have you thought about applying for a master’s degree in music education?

Infographic Design By Kent State University


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