The Benefits of Taking Yoga at Home With Glo

The Benefits of Taking Yoga at Home With Glo

Yoga is great for your mental, physical and spiritual health. You can take classes at a gym, yoga studio or with a personal trainer. However, you may not want to take classes in a group or one-on-one setting. The good news is you can take a variety of yoga classes through online platforms such as Glo.

Here are several benefits of taking yoga at home on this platform.

Wide Range of Classes

Glo offers a wide range of yoga, meditation and lecture classes. If you are taking yoga at home, you may be interested in the Moon Day Flow, Foam Roller Flow and Reduce Fatigue classes. The meditation classes include Listen to Learn, Be With What Is and Breath Perception. Glo also offers Mat Pilates classes, including Elongate Your Body, Gentle Core Awareness and Advanced Magic Circle.

You Can Choose Your Instructor

You never have to worry about feeling unmotivated or anxious over your instructor with Glo. When you take classes on this platform, you have the opportunity to choose your instructor. The Glo website includes information on every instructor who works on the platform. You can learn about their experience, qualifications, and classes. This way, you can choose an instructor who makes you feel motivated and excited to take your classes.

Works On Most Devices

You are not limited to your laptop or computer when taking a yoga class online. The platform works on most devices, which means you can use your smartphone or tablet to take your classes. All you need is your device and an internet connection. It never hurts to make sure the platform is compatible with your device before signing up.

Take Classes From Any Location

The ability to use Glo on most devices means you can take your classes from any location. You can use your mobile device to take your classes in your backyard or along a peaceful park trail. Use your device and headphones to take a 5-minute meditation class in a store cafe or medical facility, which can help you to relax. You may feel more comfortable taking yoga at home on your laptop.

Revolves Around Your Schedule

When you take a yoga class at a gym or studio, you have to arrive at your destination by a certain time. You may find yourself stuck in traffic or rushing from your previous location, and this is not a good way to calm your mind. Glo does not require you to take the classes at a certain time. You can take your yoga class whenever you have a break in your schedule. This way, you are not feeling too stressed or unmotivated to focus on your posture or breathing.

Offers A Free Trial

It is hard to know if a yoga at home class is right for you without experiencing it for yourself. This is why Glo offers a free 15-day trial to all new students. The team believes 15 days gives you enough time to determine if you are happy with the platform. You have the option to sign up for a monthly fee of $18 or cancel if you are not satisfied.

Information About Glo

Glo is a platform that was launched by Derik and Ryan Mills back in 2007. Their goal is to make yoga, meditation and lecture classes available to people around the world. They want to encourage students to live a fulfilling, peaceful life. Glo offers a wide range of professionally-filmed classes at different levels and lengths.

You can take control of your schedule by signing up for yoga at home with Glo.


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