Stay Safe On Your Next Vacation: The Essential Guide

Stay Safe On Next Vacation

For many of us, our vacation is the highlight of the calendar year. It’s a time to let loose, switch off those emails, and immerse ourselves in the pace and culture of a new destination. While many of us are in our best possible moods on vacation, this can also be a liability.

In general, you are much, much more likely to suffer an accident or injury while you’re on vacation than at any other time of the year. There are many factors that contribute to this but it’s because people are generally more carefree when on vacation.

There’s also the tendency to let your guard down when you are relaxed and the danger that comes with simply being unaware of the threats, norms, and risks associated with a place that you have never been to before. The last thing you want is for your vacation to be ruined by an accident or injury, so here’s what you can do to stop that from happening. 

Know Before You Go

The first and most important thing to do before you even step onto your flight is to thoroughly research your destination so that you know the main risks to travelers in that country. A great place to start is official government websites such as the US State Department or UK Foreign Office, both of which have stellar travel guides describing the main risks of any country and region on Earth. 

Get Insured

You’ve probably heard this enough already, but we really cannot stress it enough. A huge number of tourists continue to travel without insurance in 2021, with millennials being the most likely to not buy insurance. Travel insurance is cheap and will not just cover the cost of a stolen phone. It will also cover millions of dollars in medical bills and even repatriation costs. Get insurance. 

Keep your emergency info to hand 

If you are caught in a dangerous situation, you will want to have your emergency info available. This means the phone numbers of emergency contacts, passport number, blood type, hotel address, and any other vital information. Do not store it solely on your phone, as this will be of no use if your phone is lost or stolen. Print out a small card with the information in English and your local destination language and laminate it. 

Know When to Make a Claim 

There are many dangers that can strike when you are abroad, some of which are out of your control. For example, you might get food poisoning at your hotel, or experience an accident at a resort or activity venue. If so, you should know your rights and make a claim for compensation, as you may be entitled to damages to cover your costs, as explained by these personal injury solicitors in Ireland, who can handle your overseas injury claim on your behalf. 

By following these simple tips, you can keep yourself and your fellow travelers safe on next vacation. All it takes is a little bit of preparation. 


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