Why Is Dog Behaviorist So Important?


Most dog owners want a well-behaved pooch that gets along with everyone and is adaptable. The problem is that people don’t always know what to do when their dog begins misbehaving. Dog behaviorist are trained to help clients understand the root of the issue so that they can find a way to solve it. They use scientific data and understanding of the dog’s personality and temperament to find a solution that is tailored for the individual and their pet.

Why Is a Dog Trainer Not Enough?

People with aggressive, unruly, destructive or hyper dogs have likely looked into hiring a canine trainer at some point. There is a wide variety of options, from group puppy classes to dog behaviorists. Finding the right option can be confusing and challenging.

In general, a dog trainer concentrates on obedience. These professionals often teach skills such as sit, down and come. Some skills can be quite advanced. Dog trainers can teach dogs how to run through an obstacle course or fetch necessary items for their owners.

But even though a dog can follow verbal or physical commands, it may exhibit behavioral issues. Sometimes, these concerns overlap. For example, a pet may behave well in the owner’s presence but destroy furniture when no one is around. A dog that can sit when instructed may become overactive when the doorbell rings and jump on guests.

Extreme excitement and aggression can be irritating at best and dangerous at worst. A dog behaviorist goes deeper. This type of professional works to uncover and understand the reasons for unwanted canine behavior and address it appropriately.

A Dog Behaviorist Gets to the Root of the Problem

It’s common to assume that a dog with behavioral issues is simply disobedient or untrained. However, aggression, destructive behavior and hyperactivity can be caused by underlying psychological or physical issues, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Medical conditions
  • Physical distress
  • Psychological distress

In many cases, improper training is at the core of problematic behavior. For example, when a dog barks excessively, an owner may try to soothe the animal with soft words and a gentle touch. They may not realize that this positive reinforcement only strengthens the behavior. They’re trying to do the right thing, but without an understanding of dog psychology and learning, they are bolstering unwanted conduct.

That’s why using the wrong training techniques can do more harm than good. Working with a behavioral expert from the beginning can prevent potential problems from arising.

Why Hire a Dog Behaviorist in Scottsdale?

Many of the methods that people use to curb unwanted canine behaviors are problematic. Punishments such as yelling or squirting water at a dog often trigger fear and anxiety. Verbally reprimanding a dog can even be rewarding from the animal’s point of view. To a pet that isn’t getting enough attention, a vocal punishment may be as satisfying as praise.

A dog behaviorist in scottsdale can teach a canine basic skills and foster obedience. These professionals are especially adept at instilling compliance through positive reinforcement. An already well-behaved dog can benefit from basic training. It’s essential to deliver that training in a positive manner that doesn’t introduce negative habits on the dog’s or owner’s part. Working with a dog behaviorist is an ideal way to set up the animal and its owner with a solid foundation for a drama-free life together.

If drama does happen, such as when a pet starts chewing up their owner’s shoes or barking incessantly at cars, a behaviorist can help get to the source of the problem instead of merely disguising it with obedience. Knowing why an animal acts the way it does provides clues for how to curb the behavior.

A dog behaviorist studies a variety of topics, including:

  • Psychology
  • Biology
  • Neurochemistry
  • Genetics

This wide range of expertise allows them to identify hormonal, biological, genetic, psychological and external factors that contribute to an animal’s behavior. Knowing the reasons for the behavior is a key to developing ways to deter it.

Every dog is different. The combination of instinct, environment and personality leads animals to act the way that they do. The best dog behaviorists get to know their human and canine clients to build a customized plan.

One size does not fit all when it comes to addressing problem behaviors, such as:

  • Aggression
  • Fear and phobias
  • Compulsive behaviors, such as licking
  • Resource guarding
  • Growling
  • Biting

This behavior may seem unpredictable. It can be scary when a pet acts like a wild animal. Our professional dog behaviorists in Scottsdale examine the reasons behind the actions so that the behavior can be understood and even predicted. With that knowledge, they can come up with positive solutions to stop the problems for good.


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