Ashwagandha Negative Side Effects: All You Need to Know

Detoxify Herbal Cleanse
Source: Consumerlab

Ashwagandha is one of the most popular elements of Ayurveda. While there are so many benefits of ashwagandha, there are certain Ashwagandha Negative side effects too.

The ashwagandha supplements are easily available in the market and have typical dosage recommendations. If you do not consume in the recommended amount, you will get ashwagandha bad reactions. However, most of the ashwagandha reviews are positive. However, it is advisable to consider the small elements for consumption of these.

What is ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is one of the most prominent herbs of Ayurveda. Hence, it has become a popular element of Indian medicines. It has a slight horsey smell and suggests that one can get the strength of a horse. It provides extreme virility. The different elements of ashwagandha are used, but the supplements extracted from roots are extremely beneficial.

What are the ashwagandha negative side effects?

When you purchase ashwagandha from reliable sources, it is advisable to consider the basics. It is essential to consider that everyone reacts to the use of Ashwagandha supplements differently. There have been several types of research regarding the ashwagandha bad reactions. While initially, it showed no side effects, there are indeed many.

As recommended, it is advisable to consume ashwagandha in limited amounts. Before you start the consumption of ashwagandha regularly, it is crucial to determine how it can affect your health. You should consult your healthcare provider about the potential ashwagandha negative side effects.

Increases thyroid function

Ashwagandha negative effects
Source: Times Of India

One of the most common elements in ashwagandha reviews is that it increases thyroid function. While ashwagandha is supposed to be helpful, one of the most common side effects is that it will cause thyroid problems.

It will cause problems for low thyroid for people suffering from hypothyroidism. However, this will turn out to be the most dangerous for people suffering from elevated thyroid function. The cortisol-lowering impact of ashwagandha has benefits in this. However, more research needs to be done to determine the impact of ashwagandha on thyroid function.

The thyroid may also react with other medicines. It is crucial to control thyroid hormone levels. If it is not controlled, it may cause serious conditions such as thyrotoxicosis. In many cases, it may have a graver impact, like cardiovascular failure.

Irritated GI tract

The gastrointestinal tract is one of the most important factors to consider. Ashwagandha is adaptogenic, which is why it can turn out to be stressful for many. It has anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory characteristics, which can be harmful to many.

The use of ashwagandha in many people will cause gastric ulcers and increase the symptoms of aspirin-induced gastric ulcers. Different studies have been done to determine the impact.

If our gastrointestinal tract receives too much ashwagandha, it will lead to constipation and decreased appetite. Moreover, it can also cause ulcers. Several people have been made to indulge in studies that show that placebo-controlled people showed symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Most of these side effects have been prominent because of the use of ashwagandha.

Decrease blood pressure levels

Source: indianexpress

The use of Ashwagandha supplements can lead to a decrease in blood pressure levels. Although it can be beneficial, it is advisable to consume ashwagandha in limited amounts. Ashwagandha will be the most harmful for people with high blood pressure or hypertension.

If you have been given prescription medication, it is advisable to consult the primary physicians. Before starting the use of ashwagandha, you need to consult your doctor. The Ayurvedic herb may have counter-reactions. Therefore, people with low blood pressure can have decreased blood levels. Thus, if you are taking medicines, you need to visit a doctor.

Medical advice can be of great help for managing blood pressure levels. This is mostly because when you include something new in your medicine regime, you need to be careful.

Decreases blood sugar levels

According to experts, more studies need to be done to determine the impact of ashwagandha on blood sugar levels. Ashwagandha can eventually lower blood pressure. Hence, in people with low blood sugar levels, the level will be reduced more too.

As a result, it can be highly complicated for many. Ashwagandha is one of those herbs in Ayurveda that significantly reduces blood sugar levels.

Can trigger early pregnancy or miscarriage

Before starting the use of any Ayurvedic elements, it is advisable to be careful with the consumption of ashwagandha.

According to medical experts, you need to consult healthcare professionals before starting the use of ashwagandha. Pregnancy can trigger a lot of stress. Although you need to relieve stress, ashwagandha can be extremely harmful to pregnant women.

Ashwagandha is rich in various compounds that can trigger premature birth. It may also pave the way for miscarriage or even uterine contractions in pregnant women in many cases. Pregnant women who feel stressed need to consult the doctor. Therefore, it is advisable to follow potential treatment plans for extra advantages.

As a result, pregnant women need to follow proper medications and consult the doctor too. Your doctor would be the best option to provide treatment plans for pregnant women.

Increases immune activity

Source: healthline

Immunity is very crucial for a person, but it can’t be extremely beneficial. People suffering from autoimmune conditions like systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis need to be very careful.

The use of these will eventually increase the symptoms and worsen the conditions. These are autoimmune disorders whose symptoms worsen with an increased immune system. Autoimmune diseases will ultimately attack the body. Hence, it is essential to consider the different immune functions of the body.

Ashwagandha eventually increases the immune response of the body. Therefore, people with autoimmune conditions need to avoid the use of ashwagandha.

Final Thought

It is advisable to consider the ashwagandha negative side effects before starting to use it. Although it is an Ayurvedic element, it can’t always be beneficial.

According to expert advice, you will need to consider how much ashwagandha you’ve been consuming and what are the potential side effects. If you are already into medicines, you need to avoid the use of ashwagandha without consulting your doctor.

The administration of ashwagandha needs to be regulated and checked.


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