Living a more natural life – time to embrace the natural beauty

embrace the natural beauty

A massive change in trends has happened over the last few years, people are Living a more natural life and its time to embrace the natural beauty with many celebrities and influencers alike deciding to remove their implants and dissolve fillers and going with a more natural look. Within the beauty and fashion industry changing perceptions mean that inclusivity is now thriving, plus sized bodies and a more diverse range of models are being used and celebrated. 

Celebrities including the likes of Jane Fonda, Courtney Cox and Jamie Lee Curtis have all opted for more natural versions of themselves. Lately influencer such as Molly Mae have also joined in with the trend. 

In the past year there has also been a massive increase in social media stories about embracing your natural hair, specifically how to look after your curly hair. Many women were not aware of how to boost their curls and look after their natural wave, for many years the focus in the media has been on straight locks and thankfully that seems to be changing. 

Changing your wardrobe can also be a good way to update your style to something more natural, whilst in the short term it can be more expensive to add new items to your wardrobe, it can be more sustainable and benefit you long term. More neutral and classic pieces that will never go out of style and can be adapt for every event. 

Investing in yourself and your health has never been more important that it is currently. Putting yourself and your needs first has proven time and time again to be vital. In the same vein, life is too short. If you’ve been thinking about changing something about your appearance, if it’s something you’re self-conscious about then there are ways you can go about this without it having to look unnatural or too much of a change. A slight tweak or enhancement can make you feel much more confident in yourself 

Fitness also got a massive revamp last year. With gyms being closed and personal trainers having to stop coaching, people have had to find more creative ways of exercising. Going back to the basics seemed to be a good way to get moving with more than 858,000 people downloading the couch to 5k app between March and June in 2020

Everyone wants to look and feel their best without sacrificing anything, enhancing your best qualities and learning to love yourself is part of the journey of being a woman.



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