The Online Form Builder For Lead Generation in 2021

Online Form Lead Generation

Introduction: Your website has a ton of traffic and great metrics. At the end of the day, both these do not matter if you are unable to convert them into qualified leads and experiencing sales. In this article, you will get some information on The Online Form Builder For Lead Generation in 2021.

Many brands and marketers tend to ignore the role played by landing pages and forms when it comes to optimizing their sales targets. Experts suggest it is high time brands dig deep into this subject and explore ways through which forms can help in- 

  • Promoting subscriptions to Newsletters
  • Gaining members for availing Free Trials
  • Getting valuable Feedback for Improvement
  • Seizing Leads for Sales Funnels
  • Adding to the Mailing List

The question then is- how are you going to achieve all this? 

In this article, we look at how an Online Form Builder for Lead Generation can help you all this and much more. 

What is an Online Form Builder?

I am sure we have all been on web pages that have old-fashioned and dated HTML forms slapped on them. These forms ask us for our name, email id, and messages. 

However, if you want to make your contact form perform and encourage people to fill them up, taking help from the best Online Form Builder is the best option available. 

An Online Form Builder helps you create highly interactive and engaging forms that deliver maximum results. 

What are the results? People feel encouraged to fill in the forms and allow you to enhance your sales funnel and lead generation efforts. 

Given that there are over a million options available to you choosing the right one can be an overwhelming experience. In the following section, we will help brands and marketers choose the best online form builder for their landing page campaigns. 

Three Important Things that an Online Form Builder needs to have

  1. Building the Form itself- 

The first and most important thing you need to consider how easy, flexible, and customizable to build the form itself. This means that the online form builder needs to have an array of templates, allow for an intuitive approach, and can help create the form in simple steps. 

2. Designing the Form according to your requirements- 

Every brand has its own specific set of requirements. This means that everything from the design to the font, color scheme, animation, and graphics can be customized easily. This will help make your final form stand out from your competitors. 

3. Sharing the Form on the Landing Page- 

Even if many online form builders allow you to do the above two things, they fail when it comes to the sharing part. You do not need to have the technical knowledge to copy-paste the code and place it on the landing page. The form needs to be optimized for different types of landing pages. 

Important Features of the Best Online Form Builders that you can go for

Many have asked me the question about what features they should look for when selecting an online form builder. I have tried to come up with a list of the top eight things that I look at when working with online form builders. 

  • The first thing you need to look for is an Analytics Dashboard that shows you all the complete data of how many submissions have taken place, the number of clicks, and so on. This will govern your decision moving forward about your campaign. 
  • You need to look for whether the form builder comes with Integrations. This means it works on everything from Shopify to WooCommerce and PHP. This will make your life easier in terms of compatibility along with assessing the data. 
  • Another important feature of an online form builder needs to be Conditional Logic. This means that if the visitor fills in a specific answer, the next question or information thrown at them should follow a pattern. This makes the form intuitive. 
  • Online Form Builders need to allow for support, especially when building Multi-Step Forms. This is again an area where conditional logic plays an important part. Multi-step forms are better, more result-oriented, and deliver an excellent user experience. 
  • You want to ensure that the forms work best. This is why you need the option of A/B Testing the forms. This will help show you which forms are performing the best so that you can run the entire length of the campaigns with them. 
  • The last thing that I look for in an online form builder is Lead-Proof Popups. These are guidance or directions that help inform the decision of the visitors. This adds to the user experience and makes the entire process an intuitive one. 

The Bottom Line

Customizing an Online Form through a credible platform that helps you do the same can help you increase conversions on your campaigns. With so much competition, you need a tool that is simple, inexpensive (or free), and can allow you to gain a distinct advantage over your competitors. 


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