How to Plant Grass Seed in 5 Easy Steps

Plant Grass Seed

After a hot summer, your lawn needs refreshing and some extra care. What better way to prep it for next spring than by planting high-quality grass?

Whether you want to sow seeds from scratch or just want to cover up a few bald patches, there are a few key tips for growing beautiful lush grass.

Keep reading to learn how to plant grass seed in 5 simple steps and enjoy a lush lawn next spring.

1. Buy Quality Grass Seeds

If you want a beautiful, luxurious lawn with no bare patches, you should buy good quality grass seeds. Typically, you want the seeds to be rated and approved for quality by the National Turf Evaluation Program (NTEP).

Look for seeds that are bred for their deep green color, pest resistance, disease resistance, and tolerance to drought.

2. Prep the Soil for Planting

For grass seeds to sprout, you need to prep the soil before planting. First, rake the leaves and debris, then loosen the top 3 inches of the soil, and level any uneven areas. Now the soil is ready for sowing the seeds.

Wondering how to plant grass seed on the existing lawn? Start by mowing the grass as short as you can go. Then, loosen the soil, add fertilizer, spread the seeds, and water. Not sure how to best prep your lawn for planting grass? Hire professional lawn care services to do the hard work for you.

3. Plant the Grass Seeds

To plant grass seed, spread them evenly by hand or use a special spreader for more symmetrical spreading. Roll the seedbed and move on to the next step.

Wondering how to plant grass seed in bare spots? Prep the surface beforehand with fertilizer and compost and work them into the soil. Then, spread the seeds, add mulch and water, and the bare patches should be lush and green in a few weeks.

4. Fertilize and Water the Seeds

Once you’ve planted the seeds, the next step is to fertilize and water them. You’ll also need lime or sulfur to adjust the pH value of the soil. This will provide a fertile environment for the seeds to get the necessary nutrients. After a few weeks of consistent maintenance, you should start seeing the first sprouts.

Overwatering or underwatering can affect the quality of the seeds and their ability to grow. Also, areas of your yard that don’t get much sunshine can prolong the sprouting process.

5. Mulch the Seeds

The final step after fertilizing is mulching the seeds. This means covering the soil with organic material, usually mulch, or grass clippings from mowing. This will help keep the seeds safe from birds and animals while keeping them warm and fertilized.

Avoid using straw or hay as a mulch because it can contain hidden weed seeds that’ll get into the soil and grow together with the grass.

Now You Know How to Plant Grass Seed The Right Way

Now that you know how to plant grass seed, it’s time to prep your lawn and gives it the care and attention it deserves. If you follow these 5 steps, come spring you’ll have the most beautiful lush green lawn in your neighborhood.

Want more garden and backyard tips? Check out the other articles we’ve written on these topics and stay tuned for the latest industry news and trends.


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