Is Butter Keto-Friendly?


Butter is perfect for a keto diet. It has very few carbs and is full of fat, this makes it keto superfood. It has 80% fat, making it a perfect addition to your daily macros. 

When you are on a ketogenic diet, you keep your fat intake high, and carbs intake low. Your daily macros should comprise more than 70% fat of the daily calorie intake, whereas carbs should be around 5%. The difference between the two should be filled with proteins.

Butter makes a perfect option for a keto diet, as it is mostly fat.

Although, for a long time, it was considered bad for heart health. Recent research shows that there is just a small or neutral connection between butter consumption and heart disease or stroke risk.

Butter is also a rich source of butyrate, which helps in promoting brain health. Butter is also rich in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid that promotes fat loss in the same manner as Purefit Keto

Organic butter from grass-fed cows has a more favorable fat composition than the butter that comes from conventionally raised cows. Organic butter has 5 times more CLA than the butter that comes from grain-fed cows and also has a higher quantity of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2.

Butter is made by churning cream or milk. The churning separates the butterfat from the buttermilk. Commercially sold butter goes through the process of pasteurization.

Butter is available in salted and unsalted varieties. For keto diet, this is not relevant. You can opt for whichever you prefer.

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Clarified Butter and Ghee 

Ghee can also be used in a keto diet. It is essentially butter with milk solids removed. It comprises exclusively fat, and most of the fat is saturated.

Clarified butter is made by heating the butter, then removing it from the heat when the butterfat and milk solids separate. The milk solids are skimmed away and discarded.

Ghee is the Hindi word for “fat.” This is made but cooking the butter a bit longer so that the milk solids caramelize and get a deep golden color. Then they are skimmed and discarded. 

In both clarified butter and ghee, the end product is pure butterfat. And can be used and enjoyed just like butter. As in ghee, the milk is separated from the fat, it makes it lactose-free, making it a better option for people who are sensitive to dairy products.

They both have longer shelf lives, as they do not contain liquid or milk components that spoil easily. Their smoke point is also higher than butter, which makes them a better option for cooking. 


Butter or ghee, whatever is your preferred option, use them for cooking, roasting, or saute your vegetables in them. Spread them on your keto-friendly waffles, pancakes, or muffins.

Spread it generously when you need to increase your fat macros. Some keto dieters even put a tbsp or two of butter in their coffee, spiking up their fat count for the day.


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