Fun Ideas for Your Next Girls Weekend

spa treatments

A girls weekend is a great way to spend time with friends while getting some much need relaxation time. While it can be fun to head out of town for a bit, it isn’t always necessary when it comes to planning something enjoyable to do together. Here are a few ideas that are sure to be a hit whether in town or out.

Head to the Spa

What better way to enjoy some rest and relaxation than some spa time? You can spend time together while using the amenities and then each get the services of your choice. Look up spa treatments Norfolk VA to find ones you might like the most. You can choose to do an entire spa weekend or just stay there for one treatment and do other activities instead.

Hit a Wine Tasting

Look for wineries in your area to visit if you don’t plan to go out of town. You can go and try different ones they have to offer or just get a glass of something you know you like. If you don’t have an actual winery nearby, look for wine bars instead. They may not be made right there, but they usually have a lot to choose from.

Take a Class

Sip and paint classes are becoming an increasingly popular option for a girls night. However, they aren’t the only class you can take. Look in your area and you may find that there’s more than just canvas painting. Wreath making classes, pottery painting and wood sign decorating are all good choices, and you’ll get to take home what you made.

No matter what activity you choose, just be sure to enjoy the time with your girlfriends. If you don’t get to do exactly what you want this time, go ahead and plan your next outing together as well. Remember that more fun always awaits.


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