3 Ways that Background Checks Can be Useful

3 Ways that Background Checks Can be Useful

In today’s modern world, one can never be too careful on how they verify who can be trusted and who can not be.

In fact, we see more and more stories on the news today of how trusting total strangers can backfire and lead to cases of theft, assault, and crimes that are even worse: some which are too brutal to describe.

Whether you are screening for a new employee that you would like to hire, seeing someone for the first time, or moving into a new neighborhood with your family, these three forms of background checking service may deem useful for you in your new endeavors.

1) Pre-employment background checks

You have interviewed what you think to be the perfect candidate after months and months of scouring the internet, job fairs, and personal references to fill that “oh so hard to fill” position in your company.

You started with a pool of twelve candidate and narrowed it down to your favorite after months of searching and after multiple rounds of interviews. Now, it is time to give the candidate a drug test and then hire them? Correct?

Not so fast.

You may be surprised to find that your new potential shining star has a history of run-ins with the law. In fact, if your new hire cannot cope with the law in society, how will they work effectively with others in their new position of employment?

Sure, a background check may cost a little money and whittle out a few more candidates, but you can never be too cautious: much better to be safe (for your own purposes and for those in the company) than to be sorry!

2) Background checks for blind dates

Think you’ve found the perfect person to go out with, share a drink, and potentially spark something new up in your life? Still trusting those dating sites and advice from friends and family in regards to whom to see and how to see them?

You may want it to take it a step further. Before inviting that new “special” someone into your home to share some romantic time and get to know them better, you’ll want to get a background check and make sure they are clean with society before they have the opportunity to waltz into your life and wreak havoc on what you once knew to be a peaceful existence.

Don’t gamble with your well-being by trusting a complete stranger: do your homework and let the pros help you out in regards to ensuring you have a clean candidate!

3) Background checks for new neighbors

Finally ready to move the family into that new dream neighborhood? Or, getting a new neighbor for the first time and ready to make new relationships by welcoming them into the neighborhood?

Before you roll out the red carpet and access to your home, you’ll want to ensure that the new guy on the block doesn’t have a messy habit of ruining lives and entering homes unannounced and without permission.

In a similar fashion, if you are the new neighbor on the block, you will want to make sure that you are not moving into a den of thieves, pedophiles, or those with even worse backgrounds. A proper background screening of those surrounding you will allow you to sleep and rest easy at night knowing that you and your family are safe from potential harm in your own front yard.

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