Content Moderation Services: How to Protect Your Brand


Brand image is essential for businesses. It refers to the consumer’s interpretation of one’s company and its products and services. Having a strong and positive brand image creates credibility that can result in better customer loyalty. 

To maintain a good reputation, businesses protect their brands against malicious user-generated content (UGC) online with the help of a content moderation service. Based on statistics, nearly 90% of brands use some form of content moderation. Also, 25% of companies have dedicated teams to monitor and manage UGC. 

In the digital landscape,  UGC is today’s most effective word-of-mouth. 

85% of users prioritize UGC over content published by brands themselves, and 70% of brands believe UGC marketing campaigns are more authentic and engaging than others. 

Thus, it can be concluded that people’s opinions influence credibility and customer loyalty.

What Is Content Moderation? 

Content moderation is the process of managing UGC on several platforms to ensure it meets certain standards.  UGC encompasses various posts, reviews, comments, social media content, videos, and others. 

Content moderation companies are the ones who provide content moderation services to address objectionable content that may affect your brand reputation. Often, these companies conduct content moderation using AI alongside human manpower. They aim to help you have a platform where your users or customers are safe from offensive content. 

How Content Moderation Works To Protect Your Brand 

It Prevents Legal Issues

Based on new studies, there is almost a 300% increase in harmful online content cases reported during the pandemic. So, what does a moderator do to help with this? Well, a content moderator will verify whether UGC complies with laws and regulations. 

Conducting this comprehensive review serves two purposes. 

First, moderators help safeguard the online space by minimizing content that could infringe on laws and regulations. This protective role maintains the safety of the digital community and reduces the likelihood of legal action being taken against the platform.

Second, proactively removing or flagging content that violates legal standards assists the platform in upholding its compliance with the law. This fosters a positive brand image and ensures the trust and safety of its user base.

2. It Ensures User Safety 

Your brand image may be at risk once it violates community guidelines. You must understand that consumers support brands when they feel safe and comfortable. 

The sense of security and comfort within the brand’s environment directly influences customers’ decisions to make a purchase, return for repeat business, and recommend the brand to others. When customers sense a lack of trust in your brand, they are more likely to delay or even abstain from making purchases.

Employing content moderation demonstrates the focus on user safety, helping foster trust in your platform. This trust, in turn, plays a pivotal role in fostering a positive brand image that resonates with users.

3. It Enhances Your Online Presence

To have a strong brand image, you must work on developing your online presence first. Encouraging UGC in several social media platforms is the way to go with this. 

Social media moderation services ensure that published UGCs are aligned with your goals and can influence customers’ purchasing decisions. It is also the best way to monitor brand content and determine if your customers are becoming more interested in your products and services. 

4. It Controls Spam 

Spam, as defined by Avast, is any unsolicited communication sent in bulk to a wide and often untargeted audience. The aim of spam is typically to advertise products, services, or spread malicious content, and it is generally viewed as intrusive and undesirable by recipients. 

Content moderation greatly helps in preventing the spread of spam, in real-time even. This guarantees a trusted brand image and a safer online environment where users won’t be bothered by spam.

How To Be A Good Content Moderator

Content moderation is not as simple as saying “yes” or “no” to a post. Being a content moderator requires certain skills, such as:

  • A keen eye for details when analyzing UGC. 
  • Familiar with online trends and technological advancements to improve content moderation processes.
  • Excellent time-management skills.
  • Mastery of the idiosyncracies of your language.
  • Mental resilience for inappropriate and potentially traumatizing content.

Protect Your Brand With Content Moderation

Protecting your brand and maintaining a positive image can be a tedious task. The threat of inappropriate, offensive, or deceptive content can tarnish your brand’s identity and erode the trust of your customers. This necessitates a proactive approach to content moderation.

By enlisting the support of a  content moderation service, you not only mitigate the risks posed by harmful content but also ensure the preservation of a positive brand image. Content moderators uphold community guidelines and act swiftly to address inappropriate content and misrepresentation.

Moreover, a proficient content moderation service does more than react to inappropriate content. It delves deeper, analyzing trends, patterns, and data to glean valuable insights that can inform and refine your brand’s policies.

Through this partnership, you cultivate a secure and wholesome digital environment where your brand flourishes and your customers thrive.


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