9 Tips for Painting Your Kitchen Cabinet


Whether you’re aiming to revitalise your old kitchen cabinets or create a completely new style, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders. However, to achieve results as if done by professional painters and decorators, it’s essential that you follow certain guidelines.


In this article provided by professional painters and decorators working with Fantastic Services, you will learn nine valuable tips from that will help you navigate the process of painting your kitchen cabinets. From proper preparation to choosing the right materials, these tips will allow you to transform your kitchen space. So, if that sounds appealing to you, then read on!

Clean the Cabinets Thoroughly

Any handyman with their salt will tell you that the surface must be clean before you apply anything to it. Your kitchen old cabinets are no exception, so…


  • Empty all the cabinets and store the contents in a clean place (especially if it’s food);
  • Thoroughly clean the cabinets from the inside and the outside. If you notice stains, clean them with a homemade solution of white vinegar, some baking soda, and lukewarm water;
  • Dry the cabinets with a fresh dry rag or microfibre cloth, don’t let them dry on their own. If you leave them to air dry, you may prolong the drying process and increase the chances of moisture seeping into the wood or other materials.

Sand the Cabinets

Sanding is a crucial part of the surface preparation process. It helps to remove any existing finish, roughens up the surface, and creates a better bonding surface for the paint. Sanding also helps to smooth out any imperfections on the cabinets like scratches, dents, or uneven areas.


Use sandpaper with an appropriate grit for the job. Coarse grits, such as 80 or 100, are suitable for removing the existing finish or heavy imperfections. Medium grits, around 120 or 150, are ideal for smoothing the surface and preparing it for paint. Fine grits, such as 220, can be used for a final light sanding to ensure a smooth finish.


If you see any imperfections – like holes, broken doors and you name it – carry out the repairs.

Prime the Surfaces

Once you sand and clean the cabinets you should them apply the primer. Primer helps to improve paint adhesion, cover any remaining imperfections, and provide a consistent base for the paint colour. By adding it to any area before painting, it will help for: 


  • Better cohesion between the paint and the surface (especially if it’s glossy or matte);
  • Brighter and more vibrant shade;
  • Longer durability of the paint;
  • Quite a more impressive finish.

Consider the Other Colours in Your Kitchen

Considering the other colours in your kitchen when repainting your cabinets is important for achieving a cohesive and harmonious design. By selecting a cabinet colour that harmonises with the existing colour palette, you can create a cohesive and unified look throughout the space.


Take into account the natural and artificial lighting in your kitchen when choosing cabinet colours. Different lighting conditions can affect how colours appear in space. It’s advisable to test paint samples in your kitchen under different lighting conditions to ensure the chosen cabinet colour looks desirable in all situations.


The colours of your cabinets should also complement and balance the other colours present in your kitchen. Considering the colours of your walls, countertops, backsplash, and flooring will help you create a visually appealing and balanced space. It ensures that the cabinet colour doesn’t clash or overwhelm the overall colour scheme.

Choose Quality Paint and Primer

If you want your cabinets to look splendid after the new paint job and retain their new colours for a longer period of time, then you need to invest in high-quality paint and primer. It does pay off in the long run with the following benefits:


  • Better adhesion – Cabinets are typically made of smooth surfaces, such as wood or laminate. Quality primer and paint adhere better to these surfaces, ensuring that the paint doesn’t chip, peel, or crack over time;
  • Durability – Kitchen cabinets are subjected to daily wear and tear, including moisture, heat, and frequent use. Quality paint and primer are designed to withstand these conditions and provide long-lasting durability on the surface they’re painted on;
  • Colour Accuracy – Cheap and low-quality paints may result in colour variations, uneven application, or fading over time. Inevitably you will have to repaint all over again, which will only lead to more wasted time;
  • Time and Money Savings – While quality paint and primer may have a higher upfront cost, they can save you time and money in the long run. Their superior coverage and durability reduce the need for multiple coats or frequent touch-ups, ultimately saving you both time and money;
  • Professional Results – Using high-quality paint and primer can elevate the overall appearance of your kitchen cabinets, providing a professional finish that adds value to your home. They help create a polished and refined look that enhances the entire kitchen space.

Choose Good Finishes

Glossing the re-painted kitchen cabinets is a must, otherwise, they will have fresh dirt build up in no time. A good finish helps guard your cabinets against scratches, stains, moisture, and other potential damages from everyday use. It also makes cleaning that much easier as finishes are resistant to dirt, grime, and grease, thus allowing you to effortlessly wipe away spills and splatters. The paint underneath the finish is perfectly safe.

Use the Proper Painting Techniques

Another valuable tip when painting your kitchen cabinets is to practice proper paint application techniques:


  • Use high-quality brushes or rollers specifically designed for the type of paint you are using.
  • Start with a small, inconspicuous area to test your technique and ensure the desired outcome before proceeding to larger surfaces.
  • Apply the paint in thin, even coats, allowing proper drying time between each layer.
  • Use smooth and controlled brush or roller strokes, working in the same direction for a consistent finish.
  • Avoid overloading the brush or roller with paint, as it can lead to drips and uneven application.

Additional Tips for Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Here are some extra more tips to have in mind and implement in your home improvement project: 


  • Look for fast-drying materials. As to the paint, this might be the modern chalk paint, which is, by the way, the best way to achieve the delicate Vintage antique style. As to the primer, make sure it’s enamel;
  • Don’t forget the protection. Take the safety measures you need to take to preserve the surrounding environment from unwanted painting. Simply cover everything well;
  • The dilemma “a roller or a brush” gets an answer in your kitchen cabinet size. For smaller items, the brush is preferable;
  • Spraying the kitchen cabinets with paint is a great idea for all the newbies in home improvement projects. Please, use protective eyeglasses to avoid any accidents and spray in a well-ventilated room;
  • For a smooth finish, don’t change the direction of your roller or brush while painting;
  • Always paint on a sunny day and with open windows. Leave the premise well-ventilated afterwards until the paint dries and its smell disappears.

Hire Professional Painters and Decorators to Help

If all of these tips up to now sound too difficult and time-consuming, but you still want your kitchen cabinets re-painted, then why not hire professionals? Their services include interior and exterior painting, wallpaper installation, and general decorating projects. Serious companies work with fully vetted, insured and fully equipped painters and decorators. It’s worth it if you want to have a professional look on your cabinets but don’t have the time to do it yourself.


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