How to Cope with a Mesothelioma Diagnosis? 5 Tips for Patients & Families


Last Updated on August 18, 2023

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive type of cancer that is both painful and highly aggravating to treat. This is why it is understandable that you may feel your heart sink once you test positive for mesothelioma. Severe illnesses are not easy to handle; it is natural to feel defeated, depressed, anxious, and disheartened by your situation. 

But there is still hope; while the light at the end of the tunnel may seem bleak, you can still find ways to cope with your circumstances and work on getting better. The road ahead is not easy, but it is not impossible. With minute efforts on your part, you can gently learn to face each day valiantly. Here are some things you should know to help you cope with your situation.

What Can You Do?

Here are some things you can do to cope with your diagnosis on an individual level.

  • Understand There Are Ways You Can Help Yourself

One of the downsides of dealing with a mesothelioma diagnosis is the amount of money that goes into treating this ailment. The cost of chemo, post-care, and biopsies is enough to put a dent in your wallet and further stress you out. But this doesn’t have to be the case. The primary cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. In the 20th century, numerous companies across America used asbestos-rich products in industries, construction, and the military. If it weren’t for your employer, you wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place. 

So you can file a lawsuit and demand compensation. Look into working with legal experts from firms like the Simmons Law Firm, who not only specialize in mesothelioma cases but have a high success rate. 

There is no denying that lawsuits are lengthy and elaborate, but when you have a reliable lawyer, they handle the paperwork and filing process. So rest assured, once you work with a team of professionals, your settlement case will be sorted with minimal hassle.

  • Talk to a Therapist

You may need a professional to help you with mental and emotional turmoil. Dealing with hard-hitting news like mesothelioma may be too much to handle alone. This is why speaking to a mental health professional, such as a therapist, is best to sort out your inner conflict. Therapists are trained experts who can help you accept the reality of your situation. These experts can guide, discuss and talk to you about your thoughts so that you can make sense of the feelings you harbor. 

If you have too much pent-up grief and anxiety about your situation, it’s best to work with a therapist. You will notice after a few sessions, you will be much lighter, feel better, and find yourself dealing with your circumstances in a much more informed manner.

  • Look After Yourself Better

Powering through each day may feel like a chore, but you can’t give up. No matter how hard it may be, you must fight for yourself. Therefore, try to maintain a healthy routine. Even if you accomplish one task out of several, pat yourself on the back and continue to move forward. Having a healthy schedule is excellent for your mind and body. By staying on a routine, you ensure you’re getting all the necessary nourishment you require, can keep yourself in shape, and have an outlet for your emotions. 

Once you slide into a routine, you will find it easier to distract yourself, channel your energy into meaningful things, and prevent from slipping into despair.

What Can You Do as a Family?

Seeing your loved one go through immense pain and suffering is not easy, but your support and compassion can make it easier for them to combat this ailment. Here’s how:

  • Be There For Them

No one likes feeling isolated and alone when dealing with a severe illness. Hence, when you learn your loved one has mesothelioma, try being there for them. This includes visiting them, conversing with them, and, if needed, accompanying them to their appointments. Your small acts of support can help them cope better. If you want to go the extra mile in caring for your loved one, try cooking for them; if they have younger kids, check on them often. Likewise, take your loved one out to scenic places like the park or beach instead of letting them isolate themselves from others. Your presence can make an immense difference in their lives and make coping easier for them.

  • Educate Yourself on the Ailment

The greatest way you can offer your support to your loved one is by educating yourself on what mesothelioma is. Your family member may already feel upset and alone while dealing with mesothelioma, so don’t make this situation any harder for them. Try to study what mesothelioma is, how it gets treated, and what recent research says about the disease. 

You can also form a support group and allow different family members to come together to offer love, support, and guidance to the patient as well as offer valuable insight into what they learned about the disease. Your commitment to supporting your loved one can elevate their situation and uplift their spirit. 

Final Thoughts

Mesothelioma is not an easy diagnosis to digest. It is a form of aggressive and rare cancer that can take a massive toll on your body. Furthermore, getting treated for mesothelioma is extremely difficult; you may require months of chemo and radiation that can weaken your body and put you through an emotional frenzy. But no matter how hard it may be to deal with mesothelioma, you can still find ways to cope. 

Depending on your situation, you can choose to seek help for your mental health and find a routine that works for you. Likewise, if you know someone struggling with mesothelioma, you can lend your support by being with them every step of the way. Everyone copes with their ailments differently, so figure out what works best for you.