Tracking Female Baldness with Ludwig Scale


When it comes to assessing female hair loss, the Ludwig Scale is a valuable tool that helps dermatologists diagnose and track the progression of baldness. In this blog, we will explore the Ludwig Scale, its stages, and the significance of each stage in determining appropriate treatment options. Let us discuss female hair loss and discover how the Ludwig Scale can guide someone experiencing hair loss toward the best course of action.

A person with dark hair with their back to the camera.

What Is The Ludwig Scale?

The Ludwig Scale is a visual classification used to evaluate and categorize female pattern hair loss (FPHL). It was developed by Dr. Elise Ludwig in 1977 and has since become a widely accepted method in the field of dermatology. The scale consists of three stages that depict the severity and extent of hair loss in women.

Stages On A Ludwig Scale

Let’s explore the various severity levels on the Ludwig Scale:

Stage I – Mild Hair Loss

In this initial stage, hair thinning is noticeable but limited to the top of the scalp. The hairline remains intact, and the thinning is generally diffuse rather than in specific patterns. At this point, seeking professional advice from a hair dermatologist is crucial to prevent further progression.

Stage II – Moderate Hair Loss

Stage II is characterized by more pronounced thinning across the top of the scalp. The hair parting becomes wider, and the scalp becomes more visible. This stage indicates a significant loss of hair volume and requires timely intervention to address the underlying causes and prevent further deterioration.

Stage III – Extensive Hair Loss

At this advanced stage, hair loss becomes severe, with noticeable thinning throughout the top of the scalp. The scalp is highly visible, and hair density is significantly reduced. Seeking treatment at this stage is essential to explore the best hair restoration treatments and prevent further balding.

A person in a grey tank top holding their head in stress.

Factors Contributing to Female Hair Loss

Female hair loss can be caused by various factors. Understanding these contributing factors is essential in determining the appropriate treatment and management strategies.

Hormonal Imbalances

Fluctuations in hormone levels can play a significant role in hair loss among women. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to hair thinning and shedding.


Hereditary factors can influence female pattern hair loss. If there is a family history of hair loss, women may be more prone to experiencing similar patterns of hair thinning and baldness.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions or illnesses can trigger hair loss in women. These may include thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases (such as alopecia areata), scalp infections, and chronic illnesses.


As women age, the natural aging process can contribute to hair loss. Hair follicles may become smaller and produce thinner, more fragile hair strands, resulting in overall reduced hair density.

A person with brown hair staring into the distance.

Treatment Options for Female Hair Loss

Before considering hair transplant services, it is wise to do a Ludwig Scale test just to be aware of the present status of the hair. Several treatment options can be considered to restore hair. However, it is important to choose one after a professional examination of your hair.

1. Non-Surgical Treatments:

Medications: FDA-approved medications such as minoxidil can help slow down hair loss and stimulate regrowth in some cases.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy: PRP utilizes the patient’s blood to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT): LLLT devices emit red light to stimulate hair follicles and improve hair density.

2. Surgical Hair Restoration

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant: This minimally invasive procedure involves transplanting individual hair follicles from donor areas to the balding regions. For the best FUE hair transplant clinic, see below.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): A DHI hair transplant clinic performs a specialized FUE technique that involves extracting and implanting hair follicles individually using a Choi pen.

Sapphire MicroFUE: Sapphire MicroFUE is a refined version of the FUE technique, which involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the recipient area. The key difference lies in the use of sapphire blades to create tiny incisions or channels for implantation instead of traditional steel blades or needles.

Over the course of these treatments, the Ludwig Scale can help people track progress and determine the effectiveness of the procedures.

A person posing with their side profile.

It is important to note that identifying the underlying cause of hair loss is crucial for effective treatment. Consulting with a healthcare professional, such as a dermatologist or trichologist, can help determine the specific factors contributing to hair loss and develop a personalized treatment plan.

With their expertise in hair transplantation, hair replacement therapy, and a range of advanced techniques like Sapphire MicroFUE, TecniFUE Hair Clinic offers world-class hair restoration services in Turkey. Their certified hair transplant experts and state-of-the-art technologies ensure precision, natural-looking results, and a positive experience throughout your hair restoration journey. Get in touch with them now for a free consultation!


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