If you are thinking about starting your own company, something you are going to see a lot is a registered office address. Indeed, this is something that every company has to have, and you will be asked for this detail a lot over the course of running your business. But, the problem is that there is not much information for beginners or those that are not familiar with the world of business. So, here is a useful guide that is going to fill you in on everything to do with a registered office address. Let’s get started.
What is a Registered Office Address?
First of all, let’s keep things simple. What is a registered office address? Essentially, this is going to be your main address when it comes to your company. It will be the one your business is associated with, and all official correspondence is sent here. For example, if you have letters from the court or HMRC, they will be sent to this address.
If you already have an office, this is likely to be your registered office address. But, note that you can choose a location where your team does not work. All you have to do is make sure that it is a real address and a place that exists in the UK. For example, some people choose a virtual office, and you can get yourself a registered office address in London this way. You do not have to position your team here. But, it has to be a real and physical address in the UK for it to be legal. It will be available to the public, and it can be displayed on the Companies House website.
Here are some examples of possible registered office addresses for your company:
- An office location
- Your home address
- A virtual office
Is it Necessary for Every Business?
If you are creating a limited company, this means that it is necessary to have a registered office address. Indeed, this is made a law by the Companies Act 2006, and it is essential that you have one from the beginning. Therefore, understand that it is more than just a formality. It is a legal requirement for company owners. So, if you are setting up the company, this is something you have to handle.
Tips for Choosing a Registered Office Address
So, every company has to have one. But, since there are many places you can choose as a registered office address, how do you narrow down what one is going to be the best option? Well, here are some useful tips.
Consider Privacy
If you are running a business remotely from your home, it is generally not recommended to use this as your registered office address. This will give you no privacy and people will know where you live. Instead, consider using something like a virtual office. This means that this address will be associated with your company and you and your family can enjoy privacy from customers. After all, your address will be available to view online and on Companies House.
Think About Professionalism
You always want your company to appear professional. Indeed, your address has a lot to do with this. For example, if you want to have a successful retail store, it is not going to look great if your registered office address is your home. Instead, you want it to be an impressive and professional address of a building or office.
Impress Customers
Customers care about your business address. They want to know where you are based, and they often make their buying decisions based on this type of information. A residential address can look untrustworthy, and if your registered office address is in an area of the country that they do not like, they might choose your competitors instead. Thus, give a lot of thought to what address you are going to use.
Can You Change the Address for Your Company?
Know that you can change your registered office address. You are not stuck at the same one forever with your company. So, you might start off with one address until you have rented an office or have sorted out another location to use for your registered building address. But, an important thing you have to do is inform the right people that you have changed your address to something new.
Ideally, you want to start with the right address from the beginning. This will make things a lot easier for you and prevent you from having to do a lot of paperwork. Therefore, if you are just starting your company, think carefully about the best address that you will be happy using. Then, you can stick with this one for many years and have continuity at your company.