7 Helpful Tips on How to Convert Your Home into a Minimalist Home

Convert Your Home into a Minimalist Home

The minimalist decor style is very popular right now, and it’s even considered to be a lifestyle for many people. The reason it’s so popular is that it uses the bare minimum and tends to make life easier and more convenient. It’s also beneficial to mental health because it allows for clearer focus when there’s not so much going on around you. Here are seven tips on how you can make your home a minimalist home.

#1: Declutter

Decluttering is a must when it comes to living a minimalist lifestyle. When it comes to this lifestyle and decor style, everything must have a purpose; and whatever doesn’t have a purpose has to go. Many of the other tips on this list will show you how to best choose furniture and decor pieces for your home and how to use what you already have. You may not have to get rid of anything as long as you find a useful purpose for it, but it also doesn’t hurt to give away or sell things that you’re not using.

#2: Look into Multi-Use Furniture

Furniture that has multiple functions is a plus for minimalist homes. Look for furniture such as stools that can also be used as nightstands, or entryway benches that can be pulled for additional seating when you have guests. Some pieces of furniture can also double as storage. For example, some sofas have storage space under the cushions, and the same can be true for some coffee tables.

This is also known as concealed storage, where all of your household items aren’t on display. You can also conceal certain household items in decorative baskets.

#3: Keep it Consistent

Another thing to keep in mind when decorating in the minimalist style is to be consistent with the materials you use. Using too many different materials can look too busy even if you don’t have a lot of furniture and decor pieces. If you want to mix different materials, stick to the natural (i.e., wood, plants, etc.).

#4: Purchase With Intention

It’s easy to come across something on sale and feel like you need it in your home— only to quickly realize that it was an impulse buy and now it’s taking up space in your home. This is why buying with intention is also essential to minimalist decor and lifestyle. When you buy things and know exactly how you’re going to use them, you end up with less clutter. For example, you can buy mirrors to brighten up a room and make it look bigger.

#5: Repurpose Current Items

Instead of purchasing new items, you have the option to repurpose items that you already have. You’ll be amazed at what you can turn old items into, and it will save you a lot of money as well. Many of your old household items can be turned into D.I.Y. home decor.

#6: Small Renovations Won’t Hurt

Sometimes you have to make cosmetic changes, or renovations to a space in order to make more room. This is different from remodeling, which requires structural changes. For example, you may want to change out your regular shower/bathtub for a walk-in shower to free up some space in your bathroom. Opting to use shower curtains on a curved track set mounted to the wall can also give a stylish and minimalist look.

On the other hand, you may need to add pieces to create a more efficient room. An example would be adding a small kitchen island to your kitchen, giving you more productive space.

#7: Take Advantage of Negative Space

If you have a large amount of negative space in your home, such as bare walls, you can make the most of these spaces by adding floating shelves (flat surfaces that are bolted to the walls). This gives you more storage space, but make sure that you don’t clutter this space. Floating shelves are great for displaying books, or even bathroom toiletries when used in your bathroom. They’re also good for displaying small plants and other simple decor pieces.

Less is more is the motto when it comes to this decor style. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t buy anything at all, but it does mean that what you do buy should serve some purpose. (http://armstrongpharmacy.com) This includes making any renovations to your home— they should serve a specific purpose, especially if they’re not creating more space.


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