Get rid of these top five misconceptions regarding wrongful death


Losing someone you love can turn out to be the worst phase of your life and this applies to everyone, living in any corner of the planet. From the loss of a person to an uncertain future, there is so much going on in your mind that you have to go through devastating mental and physical trauma. But when your loved one dies because of the wrongdoing or ignorance of someone else, the pain automatically alleviates because then you know that this could have been avoided. Wrongful deaths mostly fall under defective products, slip and fall, and auto accident cases but still, there is a lot of misconception regarding it. So, apart from contacting Lake Charles wrongful death lawyer, you should be clear about what wrongful death actually means. This is why, in this blog post, we will look at the top five misconceptions regarding wrongful death. 

It all boils down to money 

Never think that you are contacting Lake Charles wrongful death lawyer and filing a wrongful death case only for money as money can never make up for the loss of your loved one but you have to accept the fact that it helps in recovering from the financial loss for the family, especially when the person died was the only breadwinner in the family. Also, filing such a case helps in holding the responsible person accountable for the death of your loved one. For example, if your loved one died because of a faulty product from a manufacturer, filing a case can save thousands of other lives. 

Criminal charges preclude a wrongful death case

This is another popular misconception that you should get rid of. You need to discern criminal proceedings and wrongful death cases. In a criminal proceeding, a person who committed a homicide or caused death is held accountable for the murder or any type of manslaughter. Such a person is sent behind bars and is even asked to pay restitution to the family members of the person who was killed. In the case of wrongful death, there is a civil action where the other party is held liable for the death due to either intention or negligence. In such a case, a Lake Charles wrongful death lawyer helps the family members of the victim to get the right compensation for lost fortune, pain, suffering, and funeral costs. 

Wrongful death cases can be filed at any time 

If you have never consulted a wrongful death attorney Lake Charles or if you have never read anything about wrongful death cases then you might build a perception that there is no time limit when it comes to filing a wrongful death case from the date when the mishap took place. Well, this is not true. Under California law, you get a two-year limitation for filing a wrongful death case from the date of the actual mishap and this time period can vary from one state to another. This is why it is always a better approach to contact a wrongful death attorney Lake Charles instead of leaving things to fate. A good wrongful death Lawyer Lake Charles will not only give you information about the basics of the wrongful death case but he will even guide you throughout the case and help you in getting the right compensation. If your loved one has died because of the negligence or intention of someone else then you have the right to hold the person or organization accountable for it and you also have the right to get compensation for all the losses. This is why you should always contact a wrongful death Lawyer Lake Charles in such cases and file the lawsuit. 



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