Top 5 Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy


Your hormones ensure the proper operation of various body systems and functions. Therefore, any imbalance in your hormones can result in negative outcomes like unusual weight loss or gain, growth retardation, and emotional and mental turmoil. Fortunately, with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at The Riegel Center, you can address these concerns to enjoy complete health and wellbeing. Continue reading to discover more benefits of hormone replacement therapy Plano.

  1.     Reduces Hot Flashes And Nighttime Sweating

When you are close to or in menopause, over two-thirds of women experience hot flashes. Hot flashes induce a rapid and unforeseen sensation of heat in the upper body, which could be accompanied by sweating and flushing. Night sweats are episodes of heat that occur during sleep. Your night sweats could awaken you and make it difficult to fall asleep again. It is typical for women to have night sweats and hot flashes for years. Hot flashes are less prevalent in guys. Nonetheless, they can arise in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation treatment. One of the most targeted treatments for relieving night sweats and hot flashes is hormone replacement treatment.

  1.     Replenishes Your Sex Desire

As sex hormone levels fall, a reduced libido is one of the most prevalent symptoms people encounter. Your reduced desire could add tension and strain to your relationship. Hormone replacement treatment balances hormone levels and enhances sexual desire. Your doctor will tailor your treatment to your unique hormonal requirements so that you receive the maximum effects. Additionally, your physician might use bioidentical hormones, customized plant-based compounds with the same form and composition as the hormones your body produces naturally.

  1.     Contributes To Your Weight Loss Endeavors

Gaining weight during middle age is usual. Besides, it is often more difficult to shed those excess pounds as you age. Your hormonal changes could be preventing you from losing weight since they induce a reduction in muscle mass and increased body fat. These alterations to your body composition can slow your metabolism, rendering your weight loss endeavors more challenging. While numerous factors influence weight loss, hormone replacement treatment could make it easy to achieve your weight objectives.

  1.     Improves Your Mood

Numerous biological functions, such as your mood, are governed by hormones. Mood swings and despair are typical indicators of a hormonal imbalance. Hormone replacement therapy can improve your energy and mood and address your depression symptoms.

  1.     Enhances Bone Density

Replacing old bone cells with fresh bone cells is a continuing process in your bones. Testosterone and estrogen have a significant role in the process of bone regeneration.

If sex hormone levels decline, your body could fail to manufacture adequate replacement bone cells to manage the bone loss. These alterations in bone cell formation raise the susceptibility to bone fractures and osteoporosis. Hormone replacement therapy could enhance bone health and decrease the likelihood of osteoporosis. You should not endure the unpleasant effects of a hormone imbalance for another day. If you are prepared to explore hormone replacement therapy for yourself, Dr. Christopher Riegel and his team at The Riegel Center can help. Nonetheless, while this therapy has numerous benefits, it could not be appropriate for you if you have a history of blood clots, stroke, or cancer. Schedule an initial consultation today through mobile or book online to determine if you are the right candidate for hormone replacement therapy.


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