The Benefits of a Dual Life Insurance Policy 

Dual Life Insurance

Last Updated on February 28, 2023

When one spouse or partner in a relationship dies before another, financial difficulties from loss of income are the last thing anyone wants to deal with. Life insurance can be used for life partners or spouses to ensure that their loved ones or other designated beneficiaries are financially protected should one or both of them pass away prematurely. Joint life insurance protects two people under one policy, which can be more cost-effective in some instances. However, joint or dual life insurance risks leaving the surviving party uninsured if the other dies. 

Dual life insurance policies are also becoming increasingly difficult to find, especially as term life insurance premiums get more affordable over the years. Here’s what you need to know about dual life insurance.

What Is a Joint Life Insurance Policy?

A life insurance policy usually only applies to one person. A joint policy, on the other hand, covers two people. A joint life insurance policy, like an individual life insurance policy, is designed to provide financial support to your loved ones after you and your spouse have died. ( The policy proceeds can be used for inheritance, debt repayment, or anything else the beneficiaries desire.

Although joint life insurance policies are most common among spouses, you do not need to be legally married to purchase coverage. Domestic partners and business partners can both purchase joint life insurance policies as long as they can demonstrate an insurable interest, such as shared assets.

What Are the Different Types of Joint Life Insurance?

There are two kinds of joint life insurance: joint first-to-die and joint last-to-die.

Joint First-to-Die Life Insurance

The term “joint first-to-die” refers to a type of life insurance policy in which the full insurance coverage amount is paid upon the death of the first of two or more individuals insured under the policy.

When one of the insured individuals dies under a joint first-to-die policy covering a couple, the beneficiary, which is usually the surviving partner, receives the death benefit. 


Joint (Survivorship) 

Joint last-to-die life insurance pays out if both insured people die. The deaths can occur at the same time or years apart, but no payment is made until both insured have died.

Assume a couple buys a 20-year joint last-to-die policy. If only one insured person dies in year 10, there is no payout. Instead, the surviving partner must continue to pay premiums for the remainder of the term. If the surviving partner also dies, their chosen beneficiary receives the death benefit, as long as the policy term is still active. 

A joint last-to-die policy is preferable when the surviving spouse has no significant financial obligations. Instead, after both partners have died, the coverage covers final expenses or leaves a legacy for children or other dependents. Most couples who choose joint last-to-die policies name their children as beneficiaries to help ensure their children’s financial security in the future.


Choosing Dual Versus Joint Policies

Single Life Insurance

A single-life insurance policy covers only one person. When this person dies, the benefit is paid to the person named as the beneficiary. Normally, this is done when a death claim is filed, and the death certificate is submitted.

Joint Life insurance

A joint life insurance policy covers two people’s lives. This is when the policy covers two people but only pays out on the first death; only one payment is made under this policy. The payment is typically made when the first two people covered die, but some joint life policies pay on the second death rather than the first.

Dual Life insurance

A dual life insurance policy also insures two people, but a claim can be paid if both people die. If one person dies, the policy is carried on in the survivor’s name. When the second person dies, their life insurance payment is also paid.

Dual Life Insurance Versus Joint Life Insurance

It’s recommended to obtain adequate life insurance for both you and your spouse so that your family is taken care of in the case of a tragedy. Especially so, if you are the family’s sole breadwinner, it is wise to compare term life insurance rates and obtain coverage in the event of your death, as the loss of the only source of income will devastate your family. 

However, the loss of a partner who is not covered can be devastating because if they provide childcare and household duties, you will now need to hire someone to fill that role. This impact is lessened if the household has two incomes and both partners work, but the loss of an income is still very stressful for the family.

It is critical to obtain the appropriate coverage for your family situation to ensure that your needs are met. Purchasing dual or joint life insurance is less expensive than purchasing two separate single life insurance policies.

As previously stated, the main distinction between the two is that only one payout is made in joint, whereas in dual, two payouts are made. So, it is up to you to decide which is best for you based on your personal circumstances. 

The Benefits of a Dual Policy

Qualification Is Simpler

If one partner is unable to obtain their own life insurance policy, dual life insurance is an excellent option. A joint policy may also be less expensive than two separate policies, making it preferable for those on a tight budget. If you have a dual-income household and rely on both incomes to meet financial obligations, you should think about a first-to-die policy. Alternatively, if you have a lifelong dependent, such as a special needs child, or simply want to leave an inheritance to your children, a second-to-die policy can help. 

More Economical

The premium is based on the combined life expectancy of the couple, and because it pays nothing until one or both spouses die, it is significantly less expensive than purchasing separate policies for both people with the same total dollar amount in benefits.

Estate Planning

Dual life insurance can, in some cases, help build an estate rather than just protect it from taxes. The death benefit of a second-to-die policy, like traditional life insurance, can ensure that your beneficiaries receive a minimum amount of money, even if all of the insured’s savings were depleted during their lives.

The Cons of Dual Life

While dual life insurance is ideal for some couples, it is not appropriate for all. Joint life insurance policies take longer to pay out to your beneficiaries than most insurance policies. Because the policies are intertwined, they may also complicate a divorce. Furthermore, if one spouse has high-risk medical issues, joint life policies may cost the same as other options.

Who May Want Joint Dual Insurance?

Dual life insurance may be right for you if:

  • You can’t afford to buy two separate policies.
  • One spouse was or may be denied coverage. 
  • You want to leave an inheritance for your children. 
  • You are the parent of a special needs child or another lifelong dependent. 

Consider All Your Options

Life insurance policies can assist you in achieving your life objectives. They shield your family from financial hardship in the event of your death. Term insurance policies have traditionally been associated with a single policyholder. However, as the market and social dynamics changed, the need to insure multiple people in the policy arose in order to provide comprehensive protection to families. 

Such plans are referred to as dual or joint term insurance plans. They are particularly popular amongst partners and married couples. They provide life insurance for two people under a single policy. A joint policy will work for many couples, but it’s important to consider all of your options before making a final decision. You and your family may discover that two separate policies work better for you and your family.