Last Updated on September 11, 2023
Water waste is unsurprisingly expensive, whether the situation is mild or severe. For one, brushing your teeth while running the water can leave you wasting 4 gallons each time you clean your teeth. For a second, a dripping tap that’s left unresolved for a long time can end up wasting more than 3,000 gallons per year, at the rate of one drip per second. All of these can take a big chunk on your water bill, so make every effort to protect your home from water waste, even in your own little ways. Let’s see the not-so-common ways to save on water bills at home.
1. Change a few plumbing habits – They say that in life, it sometimes takes something or someone to change for the better. This also applies to plumbing. Sometimes it only takes a change of a few habits at home to save on water bills. Take, for example, taking shorter showers. We’re not saying you should deprive yourself of getting a refreshing bath, but by cutting short the time you spend in the shower for 4 minutes, you can save almost 4,000 gallons of water every year. ( If you do the math, it means a $100 savings on your annual bill. Wouldn’t it be nice to have extra cash you may be able to use for other utility bills?
Other ways you can save on water bill by changing of a few habits at home
- Don’t miss turning off your tap when you’re shaving. Just keep a cup of hot water next to you and dip your razor in it every so often, to rinse it off.
- Make it into a habit to run full loads of dishes and laundry. Fit in as many dishes as possible. Running it only when it’s full cuts down the number of times you need to run it. Saves you both water and energy. Do the same when you’re doing the laundry. Only run the washer when you have a full load of dirty clothes. An additional tip, energy star dishwashers use about 4 gallons of water per load, lesser than standard machines and handwashing.
- Don’t make the mistake of running the tap and waiting for the water to cool off each time your throat is calling for a cold glass of water. Fill up a pitcher or two and store them in the fridge instead. Alternatively, you can fill up your favourite sippy or tumbler and drink deep.
- Use the shower instead of the bathtub. Filling a bathtub takes about 70 gallons of water. So showers are practically a more water-efficient way to bathe. If you want to save further, use a low-flow showerhead. You can save 15 gallons of water during a 10 minute shower, according to national geographic.
2. Go hi-tech, invest in smart plumbing – Are you into technologies or your work requires you to be out of home often? You might want to consider doing a little upgrade in your plumbing. Smart technologies are becoming famous in home plumbing nowadays and getting rave reviews. They provide an easy way for homeowners to monitor and control water temperature, water flow, and even leaks. Smart leak detectors, for example, allow homeowners to detect the presence of leaks in the pipe via their smartphones. When a leak is likely to occur, the device sends an alert of abnormal flow rate. Some kick ass models can even alert you if the water is about to reach its freezing point, which is very helpful to avoid bursting pipe situations. A smart water shut-off valve on the other hand, lets you turn off your home’s water supply from anywhere. When it detects a leak, it automatically shuts off the water to avoid wasting and flooding.
When water is about to flood your home, the clock is ticking. The ability to stop that with the tip of your finger would be a great savings.
3. Sign up for regular plumbing inspection – If there’s any better than stopping a leak before it can create havoc in your home, it would be having a plumber check your plumbing regularly. Too often, homeowners take no notice of their plumbing until it calls for repair, which should not be the case. Just because your access to clean water isn’t interrupted doesn’t mean there’s no potential problem down the line.
During an inspection, every part of your plumbing is checked thoroughly. This gives an opportunity for the plumbers to spot signs of future bigger problems. For example, a tiny crack in one of your pipes may be fixed immediately, but if it continues to be overlooked, it will get bigger and affect your water bill big time.
4. Make timely repairs as rule of thumb – Along with regular inspection, managing to have a timely repair for every plumbing problem also goes a long way. Imagine taking a leaky tap for granted. You’re not only giving that leak an opportunity to shoot up your water bill, but as well as potentially risking your home for a flood situation. So give yourself a big favour the next time you notice signs of leaking in your home, call a plumber right away. Remember, a missed repair opportunity can spell disaster and costly repair for you.
5. Consider pipe relining – If it means the world for you to save as much, where you can, consider pipe relining. Especially when you’re running into leaking problems more often than before. Take for example the gallons of water you waste for every drop every second when you have a leaky tap. Run some figures on the Sydney Water website if you may, but we can still assure you that you can save a hefty sum of money for the pipe relining cost now than when you wait to fix a leak later.
The pipe relining Sydney experts can feed through a drain camera in your drain and sewer pipe to locate potential leaks and fix it for you. The problem with leaks is that 90% of the time, it goes undetected, especially when they are located in areas where they’re not visible. But, with Sydney relining solutions method, pinpointing the source of a leak is not a problem at all.
Make every drop count
If saving on water bills means much to you, hire a pipeline relining professional like Revolution Pipe Relining, for a plumbing inspection. They can carry out different types of relining for you, whether drain pipe relining, sewer pipe relining, trenchless sewer relining, or cast iron pipe relining. They know the ins and outs of the entire system and have the tools for each particular problem, which makes them more capable of fixing complicated problems that could lead to an increase in the water bills, than those who just get the job done.