How To Get To Know Your Customers Better


The key to getting conversions is truly understanding your customers and what their needs and wants are. You might think you know what your customers want, but how can you be sure? 

There are some actions you can take to improve your understanding of your customer base. Still, it’s also worth considering working with marketing agencies in London as these businesses specialise in understanding different types of customers. 

To get started, here are some tips to help you get to know your customers better and increase sales as a result.

Create a Customer Profile

Creating a customer profile means that you can target your marketing towards a specific type of person who is most likely to make a purchase. 

To create an accurate profile, key elements to identify include purchasing behaviours, psychographic data, demographics and pain points. These factors will allow you to understand the people who are the most and least likely to convert so that you can target your ads to the right people. 

While each business will likely have a rough idea of who their target audience is, customer profiling takes a more in-depth approach to understand the customer’s interests, behaviours and attributes. Marketing agencies also often have the software to dig deeper for this information, so if you want to take your customer profiling to the next level, consider hiring one to help with this. 

Utilise Social Media 

The beauty of social media is that your customers are directly accessible to you. You can make the most of tools such as Instagram and Facebook polls, quizzes and questions to get honest answers from your followers about what they want to see from your brand. 

As well as projecting your message and product/service onto social media platforms, consider what kind of information you can take in from these too. What are your most popular posts, and why? What are your follower demographics like? Are people liking/commenting/saving your posts? 

Competitive Analysis

Don’t forget to check on your competitors‘ actions and who they appear to be marketing to. This includes the kind of messaging they use in their content, the images or creatives they use and even how they respond to customers online. 

Analysing your competitors’ websites to see how they are acquiring customers and their purchase process can also give you some pointers on what your customers might be looking for. 

Getting a London marketing agency to conduct a full audit for you could tell you where you are falling short of your competitors and give essential insights into how you can improve your processes to be more appealing to the customer and particularly those in your target market. 

Keyword Research

Using Google Keyword Planner to find out what search terms users are using to find your business can give you valuable insight into how you can access different customers. This includes in-market audiences, as well as highly relevant search terms you may not have otherwise considered. 

Speaking the same language as your customers is key, so once you have uncovered the keywords leading users to your website, you should implement these across your website in the right way to keep your customer engaged. 


Getting to know your customers can be a lot more complicated than initially thought. But after following these steps, you might find that your connection with your customers has improved, and as a result, so have your conversions. 

Your customers’ wants and needs are likely to change as the months go by, so don’t forget to revisit this topic regularly to make sure you always know your customers as best as possible. 



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