Last Updated on May 27, 2021
Are you looking forward to getting an exotic pet but wondering how to take care of them? Read this article to get tips for handling exotic pets.
Exotic animals are surely difficult to keep as a pet as they have very different lifestyles and food habits. Handling them is tough. If you are thinking of getting one or already have one as a pet, we have got some useful tips for you.
These animals and the ones kept in captivity require the same food and habitat as in the wild. So you must do proper research before deciding to care for an exotic pet.
This article will tell you the dos and don’ts of exotic pet handling. If you are worried about sourcing their food, you can easily find it on this website:
Don’t Touch
This might sound weird because the first time you see your pet, you just want to touch and play with them. However, exotic animals do not like to be handled. If you are absolutely new to this, make sure you only touch the animal in the presence of its owner and in a calm environment.
Reptiles have sharp claws and might hurt you if they feel threatened. So don’t handle them too often.
Pythons like to be curled up in their own space and hate to be handled by strangers. They allow touch from their owners but would surely react if there is too much handling.
If you are looking for a pet that is okay with being handled, you might want to get a dog or an animal from that family.
Are Your Hands Clean?
Exotic animals are not your typical pet animal and you cannot let them move all over you! It is important that you wash your hands before and after handling them. They can be really susceptible to diseases from us and can also spread germs to us. Germs and dirt from our hands may lead to skin infections.
Reptiles are carriers of bacteria, salmonella that can cause diarrhea, fever, and infectious diseases in humans. Macaque monkeys carry the Herpes B virus and can pass it on to humans. Get your pet vaccinated if required.
Not only the animal, even if you are touching their feeding equipment and enclosures, make sure you wash your hands properly with soap to avoid any transfer of germs.
Fix A Feeding Schedule
Exotic pets have different feeding schedules. Some eat once every few days, whereas others eat a few times a day. Do your research and find out how much and how often your pet animal eats. Stick to the same feeding schedule every time. Thankfully, you can find a lot of animal food online.
Their feeding schedule can change with age and other factors like temperature. So keep an eye on any change in their normal feeding habits. This might even serve you as an indication of sickness!
When you are getting the animal for the first time, make sure that you ask for a food list from the previous owner. Changes in their menu can change their schedule and even mess with their appetite, which will eventually make them sick.
For example, snakes, such as ball pythons, eat baby mice. If you never had a pet snake before, this might be challenging for you. Ask the owner to demonstrate to you so that you get an idea of how to do so. Also, these snakes eat once every week so feeding them is very convenient. Snakes can go on hunger strikes if something is wrong with them. Know about their abnormal behaviors so that you know if something does not seem right.
Lizards and small reptiles feed on insects that are sometimes dusted with nutrients. Feeding insects can also be found as canned food.
Monitor The Enclosure
If you have a pet snake, you wouldn’t want to wake up and find it crawled up next to you. This is why it is essential to check the animal’s enclosure from time to time to see if there is any crack or damage.
Not only this, the temperature and humidity of the enclosure also need to be monitored. Some animals need a specific temperature and humidity to survive. Most reptiles need UVA and UVB to efficiently absorb calcium. Snakes need a warm environment to live in, so you should always keep the enclosures in check.
Get Vet-Ready
Always have the contact details of a few vets in your area for emergencies. There are different vets for exotic animals. Before getting a pet, find out your nearest exotic animal vet. In this way, if your animal gets sick or there is an accident, you can get to the vet in no time. You can also ask for contacts from the previous owner.
Remember to take your pet to the vet routinely to ensure the animal’s good health.
The Don’ts
- The most important thing to keep in mind while handling exotic animals is not to make them feel threatened. They should feel comfortable around your presence. Otherwise, they can attack you. This is why taking an exotic animal outside for a walk can be challenging.
- Educate yourself well enough so that the animal does not become a subject of any sort of abuse. Make it feel the most comfortable. Do not just buy an exotic animal because they look luxurious and give you a feeling of winning a trophy. Handling them is hard, and you have to be prepared for the troubles.
You have to understand that exotic animals are not anything like the pet dog next door. They need special care and attention. Keeping them as a pet is hard work but can give you just the peace of having any pet. Get involved in different online forums and groups and share anything you need regarding your animal and get all the help. Happy petting!