Silkie Chicken Eggs: Everything You Need To Know About The Species

silkie chicken eggs

Silkie chickens have become extremely popular. They are small cute birds that can suit your needs in no time. The silkie chickens usually weigh around 1.5 to 3.5 pounds. It is because of their hairy look that they’ve been named the same. Well, many prefer choosing the silkie chicken eggs because they are extremely healthy.

The silkie chicken eggs have been named so because their hair feels silky. Although they look like chickens, they tend to have a strange appearance which can often surprise people. They have extremely superior mothering skills, which appeals to a lot of pet lovers. But that’s not all; the silkie chicken pet can be comforting as well.

While you may think that the silkie chicken eggs are the same as Ameraucana ones, they aren’t. They have the same color as the usual ones, which is why you will want to choose them over others.

The origin of the silkie chicken

Silkie chicken looks extremely bizarre, which is why you need to be careful. As far as their origin history goes, these chickens are said to be from Asia. However, the exact location is not known. Many people believe that these silkie chickens originated around ancient China.

The ancient Chinese Silk Road must have been named after the Silkie chicken. However, these absurd-looking chickens’ origins can also be traced back to countries like Java and India. Marco Polo had already mentioned furry chicken and silkie chicken eggs color. However, they also reached North America soon after, during 1874. Ever since then, the popularity of Silkie Egg Chicken has been rising in the states. Moreover, the people also attached various folklores because of their appearance.

The Silkie chicken pet is usually kept as ornaments. Not many people prefer eating silkie chicken meat. As suggested above, these are extremely kind and can turn out to be great mothers. This is one of the main reasons why you may choose these pets. Apart from being mothers and pets, they are also used for hatching eggs of different poultry breeds.

Silkie chicken colors, appearance, and size

The appearance of the silkie chicken usually varies depending on the size. It is necessary that you analyze every factor thoroughly and then make a choice.


The size of Silkie chicken is often miniature. Furthermore, they are more common around North America and are popular as bantam silkies. They are just miniature versions of the standard chicken sizes.

The bantam chickens usually weigh half the size of a normal chicken. Since they are small, the size of Silkie chicken eggs is small too. You can also find silkie chicken around Europe and surrounding places.

Although you can find Silkies mostly around the States, it is not yet a proper place or brooding ground for Silkies. The Silkies of North America usually grow eight to fourteen inches and weigh around four pounds.


The silkie chicken eggs color is one of the most distinguished features of the eggs. The earmuff and feathers are extremely common, but that is what sets them apart.

If you have a silkie chicken pet, you are already aware of their breeding purpose. One of the main reasons why breeders keep these is to maintain the quality. Depending on the requirement, you can purchase silkie chickens. The silkie chickens are usually of two types: with beard and the ones without. The bearded silkies have muff feathers, especially under their beaks.

The Silkies appear with wattles and combs that purplish-black in color. Although they are difficult to spot, you can easily spot them because of their dark skin tone. One of the unique features of the Silkies is that they do not have barbicels.

The Silkie Chicken Eggs

The silkie chicken egg colors are what sets them apart. Well, in the United States, the Silkies only act as surrogate mothers. People believe that these cannot be potential egg-laying birds. Nonetheless, the Silkies can lay around 80 to 120 eggs.

Their diet can also have an impact on egg production. The Silkies can start laying eggs from seven to nine months of age. However, Silkies that lay eggs at an older age tend to lay more eggs than those who start laying eggs early. If you have a silkie chicken, you need to ensure that you provide them with proper food and diet. Their diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits.

According to experts, to get healthy silkie chicken eggs, you need to feed them with fruits like banana, tomato, and watermelon. Furthermore, you can also offer them crushed oyster shells. The oyster shell is an excellent source of calcium for the chickens. Moreover, you should also provide them with sufficient water while they’re laying eggs to avoid dehydration.

What is more?

If you want the chickens to lay healthy eggs, it is necessary to provide them with a proper nesting box. You should always keep food and water across the box. A warm and comfortable environment can play an important role in the overall health of the children.

You need to understand the laying pattern for the Silkies. Various conditions can harm the chickens laying eggs. You should ensure that the chicken is not under extreme stress and the weather conditions too. Experts recommend observing the weather during which the Silkies lay eggs. This helps you determine their pattern. In many cases, the Silkies may not lay eggs if the temperature drops too low. As a result, when you keep records, you will understand under which situation and condition do the Silkies lay eggs.


The Silkies do not lay many eggs. As per records, each silkie can lay around three eggs per week. You need to collect the eggs every morning and clean the surrounding areas.

It is necessary to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for silkie chicken eggs. The chicken, however, may start brooding when you try to collect the eggs. If the chicken gets aggressive, it is advisable to avoid picking up the eggs.