Last Updated on February 25, 2024
Many tea drinkers describe it as a very soothing feeling to pour themselves a cup of tea and enjoy it in peace and quiet.
Black tea, just like green and white tea, comes from the tea plant Camellia sinensis. It contains several interesting benefits that have different effects on the body.
Among other things, the tea leaves contain an amino acid called theanine. This acid is found almost exclusively in tea leaves. Theanine can affect the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine in the brain and increase their release. This leaves us feeling satisfied and calm and maybe that is why many people find drinking black tea very indulging.
This tea is an ancient medicinal drink that is very popular in many cultures. Its intense taste and dark color hide many healing properties. It is an excellent antioxidant and also has a stimulating effect.
In the article, we’ll list a few of the benefits that black tea provides.
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Way to Fight Signs Of Aging Skin
Unfortunately, despite how hard we try to find it, the fountain of youth or a miraculous cure against aging does not exist. But certain natural remedies such as teas are good for your body and regularly consuming them can help slow down the first signs of aging, at least a little bit.
Black tea contains vitamins C and E and stands out as a very strong antioxidant drink thanks to its flavonoids. The high level of antioxidants fights free radicals in the body and fights premature aging both when being consumed and applied directly to the skin. You can make compresses soaked in black tea or wash your face directly with it.
Helpful Against Skin Outbreaks and Sunburn
Black tea also contains minerals, such as potassium, vitamins like vitamin B, and trace elements like fluoride. This makes it a great anti-inflammatory source, which is also beneficial for the skin.
When applied to the skin, these ingredients ensure that it becomes firmer, cleaner, and healthier.
An interesting feature about black tea, especially due to its theaflavins, is that it has an advantage over other types of tea when it comes to the antibacterial effect. It should also be noted that it removes fluids. This means that when used on the skin, the pimples dry out faster and heal more quickly. Black tea also helps reduce the risk of new pimples developing.
Black tea can be considered one of the greatest at-home remedies for sunburn. You can brew a strong jug with several black tea bags inside and then bring it to room temperature. The tannic acid in tea will immediately restore the acidic nature of your skin, removing the stinging and helping prevent peeling.
We suggest a compress to dab tea over your burn, or run a bath and pour the jug of tea into the tub.
Maintains A Healthy Heart
Vascular reactivity is something that black tea has shown to improve. Namely, it can improve how your blood vessels respond to a specific stimulus, such as physical or emotional stress. There is also evidence that both black and green tea can lower the level of harmful cholesterol. Also, it can help lower blood pressure.
Several studies also show that people who regularly drink black or green tea are less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. Since it is abundant in antioxidants like flavonoids, it prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which protects the bloodstream and does not cause damage to the artery walls.
You can drink up to three cups of black tea every day to improve heart health.
Helps Weight Loss and Digestive Issues
Drinking black tea can be just as beneficial as drinking green tea to prevent obesity and improve the body’s overall health and energy. The tannin in black tea is beneficial for the digestive process, especially against all types of intestinal and gastric diseases. Also, drinking black tea has the potential to reduce the risk of intestinal inflammation and kidney stone formation.
Fights Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of a lack of insulin in the body. As a consequence of this disease, there is a disturbance in the metabolism of glucose, proteins, and fats.
Black tea can also help with diabetes. Researchers in China have found that polysaccharides, a type of carbohydrate that contains starch and cellulose, can benefit people with diabetes by delaying glucose absorption. Black tea contains more polysaccharides than green tea or oolong tea, making it extremely useful for diabetics. With regular consumption, sugar levels can be kept under control.
Cancer Prevention
One of the most important and studied benefits of drinking black tea is that it might prevent cancer. Although it cannot be considered a cure, there is much evidence that black tea plays a significant role in the prevention of cancer.
There is research that shows that polyphenols help prevent the formation of possible carcinogens in the human body and especially protect against ovarian, prostate, and lung cancer.
Black tea contains TF-2, a chemical compound that causes apoptosis of the cancer cells while protecting the healthy ones. This assists in hampering the growth of the cancerous tissue even before it is detected. This type of tea also prevents cancer by hindering the appearance and growth of malignant tumors.
Final Thoughts
There is no doubt that the benefits of drinking black tea are very impressive. Quality black tea, consumed in moderation, is the perfect recommendation for a healthy addition to your diet.
Not only is it used as a natural skin remedy, but its consumption is also advised when dealing with more serious illnesses, such as diabetes or cancer.
You can also try to replace your cup of coffee with a cup of black tea as it will provide you with a boost of mental alertness and energy while successfully reducing your caffeine intake.
When you brew yourself a cup of tasty black tea, try to make it a relaxing and rejuvenating time for yourself as it will make the health benefits even greater.