Moving In 2021: Let The Removalist Take The Stress

The Removalist Take The Stress

Last Updated on February 29, 2024

We all know just how stressful moving can be, what with everything that needs to be organised, the packing and preparing of furniture, clothing and kitchen appliances and let’s not forget the transportation. Of course, it all depends on the scope of the operation; moving out of home into your first apartment could be done with a small van and a couple of able bodies, while a large family home relocation requires the right logistics.

Here are a few reasons to call in a removalist when relocating.

  • Focus on Other Aspects– With an experienced contractor handling every aspect of the move, you can spend time on preparing the new residence, making sure the utilities are connected and the place is spotlessly clean, ready for occupation. You might like to spend a couple of days at the new property, cleaning everything and preparing for the arrival of your personal possessions. With a team handling the packing and loading, you are free to relax a little qout for a move.
  • Comprehensive Service– Let the professionals pack all your items, all they need from you is an inventory that includes the final destination, which makes unloading much simpler. An established removals contractor would assign you a project manager and this person would liaise the entire operation, meaning you only deal with one person.
  • Social Distancing– During the pandemic, it is important to follow social distancing guidelines; you actually don’t need to be present when the move takes place and can be at your new address, planning the layout. All the removal team would be wearing PPE at all times and you keep in touch by phone with the project manager, thus avoiding human contact.
  • Protecting Your Health & Well-being– It’s very easy to pull a muscle when trying to move a bed down a flight of stairs, not to mention the risk of a fall and even if you are able, using muscles you don’t normally engage can cause an injury. Back injuries are common when people move themselves and trying to save a little money could be very costly if you are unable to work due to the injury. A removalist will handle every aspect of the move. If you are in need of reliable yet cheap storage Brisbane or any other area can provide, a removalist can help you with that as well.
  • Comprehensive Insurance – When an established removalist handles the move, they are covered for every eventuality, which includes the transportation and any damage caused by manoeuvring furniture, which can easily occur on stairways. Should the truck be involved in a traffic accident, your possessions are protected by insurance and that includes antiques.

Comprehensive Insurance

If you would like an all-inclusive quote for a move, start with a Google search to get a list of local companies that offer removal services and with some browsing, you should be able to choose the best outfit and ask for a quote. Using a team of professional removals means you can actually sit back and enjoy the experience, knowing that every aspect of the project is handled by the experts.