5 PowerPoint Features for Creating Presentations In Less Time Without Losing Quality

Creating PowerPoint Presentations In Less Time Without Losing Quality

Last Updated on August 1, 2023

For any individual or business, a well-polished presentation is nothing less than an investment. Companies around the world leverage Creating PowerPoint presentations every day to sell their ideas and products. One should note that a good presentation draws a line between a successful deal or a missed opportunity.

However, it’s also true that not everybody is a presentation wizard, especially when the deadline is close. For instance, entrepreneurs often run short on time. When you’re timebound, creating an out of the box presentation can be challenging. Especially for those who don’t have a knack for design. To help, we are presenting with pro tips that will help you craft state of the art presentations in minimal time.

Let’s move ahead and understand how you can churn out engaging slides with added ease as taught in powerpoint course

Start with Storyboarding:

Before even opening your presentation software, it’s recommended to do storyboarding. Presentation creators are often over-enthusiastic and start creating a presentation without any design or content plan. Storyboarding the presentation can help you establish the flow, present the information in a lucid format, decide who your audience is, what type of content they expect, what do you want to convey, and more! The goal here is to focus on the big picture and make the presentation as engaging as possible for the attendees. 

One should note that people often go off track during the presentation, and this is a mistake! Going off track with your presentation content can make your audience lose interest and experience a phenomenon “Death By PowerPoint”. It is storyboarding which can help you realize important presentation touch-points, points where the extra emphasis is required, design and transition expectations, etc.

Use Templates:

People often start Creating PowerPoint presentations from scratch. Well, leveraging a ready to use template while Creating PowerPoint presentations can be an absolute game-changer. Presentation templates for PowerPoint feature professional look, pixel-perfect design, consistency throughout the deck and help you garner the attention of your audience. The template is more like a skeleton which you can import into your presentation and start filling-in quality content.

You can cut your presentation creation time by more than a half through a readymade template. For instance, students working on thesis creation often spend considerable amounts of time on research and citation. Using professional presentation templates for PowerPoint can boost presentation appeal, cast the right impression and make the presentation experience dynamic for the audience.

Tell a Visual Story:

“A presentation should be a visual story and not a novel! Nobody likes to read the text right off the slides. If the slides are overwhelming the audience with information, there is a high chance that your audience will lose interest in the presentation. Worry not! Visuals are your saviour. Keeping the text minimal and including high-quality and informative graphics can make the slides speak for themselves. You can use a clicker for powerpoint to further improve your presentation. By using a clicker, you can easily navigate through your slides and interact with your audience without being tied to your computer. So, when preparing your next presentation, remember to create a visual story that engages your audience and makes your message clear, concise, and memorable.”

The slides should be saying a majority of points out loud rather than you explaining each point to and fro. You can use 3D diagrams, infographics like marketing funnel template since the human brain is more repetitive towards graphics. Moreover, using images can help you cut the text manifolds, and it boosts the presentation engagement in unimaginable ways. The presentation should move from problem to solution in a consistent flow. 

Use Graphs and Charts:

One of the best timesaver tips is to present the numbers through graphs and charts in your presentation. Not just that, graphs & charts make the data more presentable and easy to digest for the audience. Your target audience can grasp the gist of the data in a wink if the slides are backed by graphs & charts. One should note that the goal of the presentation is to educate the audience and assist them in concluding.

Now, for that to happen, they’d need a birds-eye view of the information. Graphs and charts make the fact assessment easy, the audience can take fresh insights with them, and you initiate a successful call-to-action. Keeping intuitive visuals will not only help you craft presentations fast but also keep the audience interested throughout. You can always use graphs and charts templates to create eye-catching figures in minutes.

Use 10 20 30 Rule:

You can also leverage the 10 20 30 rule of presentation making. The rule simply means 10 Slides, 20 Minutes and 30 Font. While creating and delivering a presentation, your deck shouldn’t exceed more than 10 slides. The presentation should not go beyond 20 minutes, and the font size should be 30 px. The 10 20 30 rule helps presenters save time and keep their presentation goals in check.

The bigger font would mean lesser data in slides. You can always enrich the slides through visuals as discussed above. People prefer visuals! The visuals can help you get key points across the audience in a meaningful manner. Always remember that “Time is Money”! Whether it’s you, your employees or clients, the presentation creation to delivery should be seamless and quick.

These tips will help you drastically reduce the time it takes to come up with intuitive slides. Right from Brainstorming, Outlining, Storyboarding, Designing to Creating the slides presenters can save time at every stage without jeopardizing the presentation quality. The priority should be to keep the presentation lucid, minimalistic & as informative as possible.

Your audience is likely to view the slides and take the notes. It is important to keep knowledge transfer a piece of cake since only then can you influence the viewers. The presentation should be well-designed, and it should serve captivating content in the form of a story. Always remember that your slides are there to support your claims & not the other way around.